Compaq OXYGEN VX1 User Manual

3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics  
Installation Guide  
Order Number: EK-VX1GC-IG. A01  
This guide describes the installation of the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controller on supported Compaq products.  
Chapter 1 Overview  
Introduction........................................................................................... 1-1  
Module Description ............................................................................... 1-1  
Connector Pinouts................................................................................. 1-3  
Specifications ........................................................................................ 1-4  
Chapter 2 Installation  
Introduction........................................................................................... 2-1  
Unpacking............................................................................................. 2-1  
Installation Procedure........................................................................... 2-2  
Chapter 3 Compaq Tru64 UNIX Configuration  
Resolutions............................................................................................ 3-1  
Restrictions and Limitations................................................................. 3-2  
Minimum Console Revision ............................................................ 3-2  
Multiple Colormaps ........................................................................ 3-2  
Default Visual Information............................................................. 3-2  
Backing Store and Save Unders ..................................................... 3-3  
Configuring Graphics Resolution or Vertical Refresh Rate for  
Tru64UNIX ........................................................................................... 3-3  
Current Graphics Resolution.......................................................... 3-3  
Changing the Resolution & Refresh Rate Using the X servers File3-3  
How to Determine which GUI is in Use ......................................... 3-4  
Multihead Support................................................................................ 3-7  
Multihead Resrictions and Limitations.......................................... 3-7  
Matching X Server Primary Screen with VGA Console.................. 3-8  
Messages ............................................................................................... 3-8  
Chapter 4 Compaq OpenVMS Software Installation and  
Installation Preparation........................................................................ 4-1  
Installation............................................................................................ 4-2  
OpenVMS Version 7.3..................................................................... 4-2  
OpenVMS Version 7.2-1H1, 7.2-1, and 7.1-2.................................. 4-2  
Video Resolutions Supported ................................................................ 4-3  
Default Graphics Settings..................................................................... 4-4  
Determining Current Settings.............................................................. 4-4  
Overriding Default Settings.................................................................. 4-4  
Multihead Support................................................................................ 4-5  
Matching Primary Screen with VGA Console ................................ 4-6  
Messages ............................................................................................... 4-6  
POLYCENTER Software Installation................................................... 4-7  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller................................... 1-2  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller................................... 1-1  
Standard 15-Pin VGA Connector Pinout .............................................. 1-3  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Specifications............ 1-4  
Supported Video Modes......................................................................... 3-1  
OpenVMS Version Supporting the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1................... 4-2  
Supported Video Modes......................................................................... 4-3  
Intended Audience  
This manual is for owners installing the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controller in supported Compaq products.  
Document Structure  
This manual has four chapters.  
Chapter 1, Overview, provides an overview of the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1  
PCI graphics controller.  
Chapter 2, Installation, describes how to install the 3Dlabs OXYGEN  
VX1 PCI graphics controller in a supported Compaq AlphaServer or  
Chapter 3, Compaq Tru64 UNIX Configuration, describes how to  
configure the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller in a system  
running the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Chapter 4, Compaq OpenVMS Software Installation and  
Customization, describes how to configure the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controller in a system running the OpenVMS operating system.  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VXI PCI Graphics Controller Documentation  
See the following related documentation for additional information.  
Compaq documentation for Tru64 UNIX  
Compaq documentation for OpenVMS  
Conventions Used in This Guide  
In this guide, every use of Tru64 UNIX refers to Compaqs Tru64 UNIX and DIGITAL  
UNIX operating systems. Every use of OpenVMS refers to Compaqs OpenVMS  
operating systems.  
This guide also uses the following conventions:  
A note calls the readers attention to any item of  
information that may be of special importance.  
A caution contains information essential to avoid  
damage to the equipment.  
italic type  
Italic type indicates complete titles of manuals.  
bold type  
Bold type indicates text that is highlighted for  
In text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a  
command, routine, partition, pathname, directory,  
or file.  
Information on the Internet  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller.  
Chapter 1  
1.1 Introduction  
This chapter provides a brief overview of the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
Module Description  
The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller accelerator module is a single  
expansion-slot, 32-bit PCI bus graphics option that provides 2D graphics acceleration for  
supported Compaq systems. It is based on 3DlabsGLINT P3 graphics chip.  
Table 11 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller  
SN-PBXGF-AB 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller with 32 MB of SDRAM  
For up to date minimum operating system and firmware revision information supported for the 3Dlabs  
OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller, refer to the system QuickSpecs located at  
Overview 1-1  
Figure 1– 1 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller  
The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller has a standard 15-pin VGA connector. There is  
no VGA switch; VGA functions and multihead support are automatically configured through the  
console firmware and software. See sections 3.4 and 4.7 for more information on multihead support  
for Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS respectively.  
1-2 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Connector Pinouts  
Table 1–2 contains a listing of the pins and signals found on the standard 15-pin VGA  
Table 1– 2 Standard 15-Pin VGA Connector Pinout  
Pin No.  
Overview 1-3  
Table 1–3 lists the specifications for the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller.  
Table 1– 3 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Specifications  
1920 x 1200 16-bit @ 70 Hz  
Maximum Resolution  
1280 x 1024 24 bit @ 85 Hz  
Color planes  
Unified memory (frame buffer, Z-buffer,  
texture memory)  
32 MB  
Form factor  
Single half-length PCI card  
PCI 2.2, 32-bit, 33 or 66 MHz, universal signaling  
3.3 Vdc, 5 Vdc, +12 Vdc  
Input voltage  
25 W maximum  
Operating temperature  
Relative humidity  
10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F)  
0% to 95% noncondensing  
1-4 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Chapter 2  
2.1 Introduction  
This chapter describes the installation of the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controller module in a supported Compaq product. Topics included in  
this chapter are:  
Hardware installation  
2.2 Unpacking  
The graphics option hardware is packaged in a single carton that contains the following:  
Part Number  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 Graphics Controller, SN-PBXGF-AB  
32MB PCI  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics  
Controller Installation Guide (this manual)  
Installation 2-1  
2.3 Installation Procedure  
The following section describes how to install the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controller. To install the module, perform the following steps:  
____________________________ Note_______________________________  
Before installing the module, check your monitor specification for signal  
compatibility and supported features offered by the 3Dlabs OXYGEN  
VX1 PCI graphics controller.  
___________________________Caution _____________________________  
Static electricity can damage sensitive electronic components. When  
handling your graphics option, use an anti-static wriststrap that is  
connected to a grounded surface on your computer system.  
1. Perform a normal power-down of your computer system and disconnect the  
monitor cable.  
2. Disconnect all AC power cables from the wall outlet (or turn off the circuit  
breakers if applicable to your system) to remove power from the system.  
3. Remove the cover from your computer (refer to your system documentation).  
4. Put on an anti-static wriststrap.  
___________________________Caution _____________________________  
An anti-static wriststrap must be worn when handling any module to  
prevent damage to the module.  
5. If your computer has an existing graphics module, remove the screw that  
secures it and then remove the module.  
6. If your system had a previously installed graphics option, you can use that  
slot if it is a PCI slot, or you can select any empty PCI expansion slot on the  
primary PCI bus. Remove the slot cover if you are using a new slot. Refer to  
your system owner’s guide for information about graphics option slots.  
2-2 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
7. Grasp the top edge of the graphics option, carefully insert it into the slot,  
and seat it firmly.  
8. Secure the module with the screw.  
9. Replace the computer cover.  
10. Ensure that the monitor cable is connected to the video output connector  
located on the back of the graphics option.  
11. Reconnect the AC power cables to the wall outlet (or turn on the circuit  
breakers if applicable to your system) to restore power to the system.  
12. Perform a normal power-up of your computer system.  
Installation 2-3  
Chapter 3  
Compaq Tru64 UNIX Configuration  
This chapter describes how to configure the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controller in a system running Compaq’s Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
3.1 Resolutions  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controllers are capable of supporting  
various graphics resolutions and refresh rates as shown in Table 3–1.  
Table 31 Supported Video Modes  
Color Depths  
(Bits per Pixel)  
Refresh Rates  
1280x1024 8, 16, 24  
1600x1200 8, 16, 24  
1600x1280 8, 16, 24  
1920x1080 8, 16  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 65, 70, 75 Hz  
60, 65, 70 Hz  
60, 65, 70 HZ  
1920x1200 8, 16  
60, 65, 70 HZ  
Compaq Tru64 UNIX Configuration 3-1  
3.2 Restrictions and Limitations  
This section of the document contains limitations and restrictions of the  
OXYGEN VX1 hardware and software.  
3.2.1 Minimum Console Revision  
The minimum Tru64 UNIX firmware version for 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controller single head support is V5.8 (V5.9 for multihead  
configurations – see Section 3.4).  
3.2.2 Multiple Colormaps  
Multiple colormaps are not supported. The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controller supports only one installed colormap at one time. Exceeding this limit  
will cause colormap flashing, also known as "technicolor."  
Applications should not install or deinstall colormaps themselves. The window  
manager should perform these actions. However, the application is responsible  
for providing the window manager with hints as to which colormaps to install or  
deinstall. You provide this information using the Xlib function  
XSetWMColormapWindows(). This function sets the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS  
property for a given window.  
3.2.3 Default Visual Information  
The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 board can only support one visual type at one time.  
Supported visual types are 8-bit PseudoColor, 16-bit TrueColor, and 24-bit  
TrueColor. By default, the default depth and visual class is 8-bit PseudoColor.  
To change the default visual, you must edit the X server's configuration file  
which is located at /usr/var/X11/Xserver.conf.  
As an example, to switch to 24-bit TrueColor:  
! Permedia VX1 Server args start  
-pn -bs -su -nice -2 -depth 24 -vclass TrueColor  
! Permedia VX1 Server args end  
You then need to restart the X server. When logged in remotely:  
/usr/sbin/init.d/xlogin restart  
3-2 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
3.2.4 Backing Store and Save Unders  
By default, backing store and save unders are enabled. If the default visual  
depth is changed to 16 or 24, it is recommended that backing store and save  
unders be disabled.  
To disable these features, add the options "-bs -su" to the argument list in  
the X server’s configuration file. Refer to the example in Section 3.2.3.  
3.3 Configuring Graphics Resolution or Vertical  
Refresh Rate for Tru64 UNIX  
There are two X server related files that can be used to configure or change  
characteristics of the X server. Systems by default use a file named "Xservers"  
to start and optionally pass startup configuration parameters to the Xserver.  
3.3.1 Current Graphics Resolution  
The graphics Resolution and Refresh Rate is set at the default value, 1024x768  
at 70Hz Refresh Rate. The graphics resolution of a running system can be  
obtained by executing the command /usr/sbin/sizer -gr. The Refresh Rate may  
be obtained from the X servers file /var/dt/Xservers.  
3.3.2 Changing the Resolution & Refresh Rate Using the  
Xservers File  
The steps necessary to change the X servers graphics resolution differ  
depending on which X Windowing System is in use, XDM/Motif or the newer  
standard CDE (Common Desktop Environment). UNIX systems running  
version 4.0F, and G can use either the XDM/Motif or CDE GUIs.  
If your system is running version 4.0F, or G, you must determine which GUI is  
in use for the system and then proceed to the appropriate section of this  
document, "How to Change the Resolution and Refresh Rate on XDM GUI" or  
"How to Change the Resolution and Refresh Rate on CDE GUI".  
Systems running UNIX versions 5.0 or higher can use only the CDE GUI, so  
you may skip directly to "How to Change the Resolution and Refresh Rate on  
Compaq Tru64 UNIX Configuration 3-3  
3.3.3 How to Determine which GUI is in Use  
1. Check the environment variable XLOGIN defined in the file /etc/rc.config.  
Example (showing the CDE GUI being used):  
# /usr/sbin/rcmgr get XLOGIN  
1. If the variable is defined to be "cde," then the default GUI is CDE. If the  
variable is defined to be "xdm," then the default GUI is XDM/Motif.  
How to Change the Resolution and Refresh Rate on XDM GUI  
1. Log in to the system as "root".  
2. Make a backup copy of the file /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers .  
# cp /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers.original  
3. Edit the file /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xserversand add the appropriate X  
server Option, "-screen0" and or "-vsync0" to the line that starts the X  
server. This line is generally the last line in the file Xservers.  
Example line from the Xservers file used with XDM/Motif.  
:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X  
:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -nice -2  
X server Options:  
-screen[screen] WxH  
Set screen (W)width and (H)height.  
-vsync[screen] Hz  
Set screen (Hz) Vertical refresh rate  
3-4 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
___________________________Note ____________________________  
These are device dependent X server options and not available for ALL graphics  
options. Please refer to Table 3–1 for supported Resolutions and Refresh Rates.  
Both the Width and Height should be specified in the "-screen" option and not just  
the Width. On some X server graphics devices setting ONLY the Width will cause  
the X server to fail.  
The [screen] number need not be specified if only one screen exists or if the user  
wants all screens to use the same values. The [screen] value is generally '0' as  
shown in the example below.  
-screen0 1280x1024  
|_ [screen] value  
Anything added after the "-I" option will be ignored by the X server and passed on  
to the DDX, Device Dependent X layer of the server. The "-screen" and or "-  
vsync" option(s) should precede the "-I" option.  
4. Restart the GUI using the appropriate method.  
For DIGITAL UNIX V4.* systems use:  
# /sbin/init.d/xlogin stop  
# /sbin/init.d/xlogin start  
How to Change the Resolution and Refresh Rate on CDE GUI  
1. Log in to the system as "root".  
2. Check to see if the directory /etc/dt/config exists. If not, create it as follows:  
# mkdir /etc/dt/config  
# chmod 755 /etc/dt/config  
3. Copy the Xservers file from the path /usr/dt/configto the path  
# cp /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xservers  
Compaq Tru64 UNIX Configuration 3-5  
4. Edit the file /etc/dt/config/Xservers and add the appropriate X server  
Option, "-screen0" and or "-vsync0" to the line that starts the X server. This  
line is generally the last line in the file Xservers.  
Example line from the Xservers file used with CDE:  
:0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0 -screen0 1280x1024  
X server Options:  
Set screen (W)width and (H)height.  
-screen[screen] WxH  
Set screen (Hz) Vertical refresh rate  
-vsync[screen] Hz  
___________________________Note ____________________________  
These are device dependent X server options and not available for ALL graphics  
options. See Table 3–1 for supported Resolutions and Refresh Rates.  
Both the Width and Height should be specified in the "-screen" option and not just  
the Width. On some X server graphics devices setting ONLY the Width will cause  
the X server to fail.  
The [screen] number need not be specified if only one screen exists or if the user  
wants all screens to use the same values. The [screen] value is generally '0' as  
shown in the example below.  
-screen0 1280x1024  
| [screen] value  
Anything added after the "-I" option will be ignored by the X server and passed on  
to the DDX, Device Dependent X layer of the server. The "-screen" and or "-  
vsync" option(s) should precede the "-I" option.  
5. Restart the CDE GUI.  
For DIGITAL UNIX V5.* systems use:  
# /sbin/init.d/xlogin stop  
# /sbin/init.d/xlogin start  
Examples of Typical Resolution and Refresh Rate Settings Using CDE  
Setting the Screen Resolution to 1280 x 1024.  
:0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0 -screen0 1280x1024  
3-6 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Setting the Screen Resolution to 1280 x 1024 and the Vertical Refresh  
Rate to 75Hz.  
:0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0 -screen0 1280x1024 -vsync0 75  
Setting the Screen Resolution to 1920 x 1080 and the Vertical Refresh  
Rate to 70Hz.  
:0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0 -screen0 1920x1080 -vsync0 70  
3.4 Multihead Support  
The minimum firmware version for multihead 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controller support on AlphaServer and AlphaStation DS10, DS10L,  
DS20E, and ES40 is V5.9. The Alpha system firmware must be updated to  
support 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controllers. Once the Alpha system  
firmware has been updated, multiple 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controllers may reside in the same system.  
___________________________Note ____________________________  
Only one 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller will be used for the VGA console;  
it must be placed on the primary PCI bus.  
The card in the lowest numbered slot will usually be selected to be the VGA  
console. See your workstation or server user manual to determine slot  
numbering. The maximum number of 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controllers supported by software is 16, but please see the following section for  
3.4.1 Multihead Restrictions and Limitations  
The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller is not supported in  
conjunction with any other non-3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller  
residing in the same system.  
All 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controllers in a single system must have  
the same color depth. The supported number and configuration of multiple  
3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controllers varies by platform. Other  
documentation shipped with your workstation or server will outline specific  
limitations on the actual number and the configuration of multihead support.  
Compaq Tru64 UNIX Configuration 3-7  
3.4.2 Matching X Server Primary Screen with VGA Console  
PCI slots are not always probed by the system in the order of their slot  
numbers. Because of this, the order of X server screens will not necessarily  
correspond to the order of the slots in which the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controllers reside. The X server command line option -screenOrder  
may be used to alter the mapping of physical screens to logical screens. In  
particular, this can be useful if you desire the X server’s primary screen to  
coincide with the VGA console.  
3.5 Messages  
Device driver messages are typically logged to /var/adm/messageson Tru64  
UNIX systems. Should problems arise, this file should be checked for  
informational messages; an example is shown here.  
p3g: %dx%d cursor glyph truncated to hardware limits  
The X Server attempted to use a cursor larger than the  
64x64 limits of the hardware. Cursor glyph will be  
displayed incorrectly. Application should be brought  
into conformance with X11 expectations.  
3-8 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Chapter 4  
Compaq OpenVMS Software  
Installation and Customization  
This chapter provides information for installing and modifying the OXYGEN  
VX1 PCI graphics controller two-dimensional (2D) support software on an  
OpenVMS system.  
The method used to load the software is directly dependent on the version of  
OpenVMS that you will be installing or upgrading to. Section 4.2, Installation,  
explains in detail the steps that must be taken for each of the different  
OpenVMS versions.  
The behavior of the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller support  
software may be modified after installation on OpenVMS by editing the  
appropriate files and issuing DCL commands. (See Section 4.6.)  
4.1 Installation Preparation  
This section describes how to prepare for installation of the OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controller support software.  
The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller support software will be fully  
integrated into OpenVMS Version 7.3. For versions prior to 7.3, Table 4-1 will  
supply you with information on the steps that need to be taken for the software  
driver installation.  
Compaq OpenVMS Software Installation and Customization 4-1  
Table 4-1 OpenVMS Version Supporting 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
Graphics Controller  
Alpha Platform  
7.3 Automatically loaded on the system when using this version for  
an upgrade or installation.  
7.2-1H1 Copy the POLYCENTER Software Installation patch kits from  
net location*  
Copy the patch kits by anonymous ftp at  
subdirectories of /public/vms/axp/  
Prior to 7.1-2 Not supported  
*Caution: The required list of patch kits for a particular version of OpenVMS  
can vary over time. Check the Readme files associated with each of the kits to  
be sure that the patch kit is appropriate for your usage.  
4.2 Installation  
This section covers installation of the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controller software driver on various versions of the OpenVMS operating  
OpenVMS Version 7.3  
For OpenVMS Version 7.3 and higher, the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controller support software is loaded automatically following installation and  
becomes active when the operating system is booted. No other action needs to  
be taken by the system operator.  
OpenVMS Versions 7.1-2, 7.2-1, and 7.2-1H1  
To install the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller support software  
on OpenVMS Version 7.1-2, 7.2-1, or 7.2-1H1, you must copy the latest  
UPDATE and GRAPHICS POLYCENTER Software Installation utility patch  
kits from the World Wide Web location at Then, use the POLYCENTER Software Installation  
utility (DCL PRODUCT INSTALL) to install the latest UPDATE kit and the  
4-2 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
latest GRAPHICS kit, if required. View the Readme files for each kit to  
determine if the UPDATE kit has superseded the GRAPHICS kit or if the  
GRAPHICS kit is newer than the UPDATE kit.  
If you ordered the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller separately,  
then follow the additional instructions provided with the module to install the  
appropriate support software contained on the CD-ROM shipped with the  
module. Also, check the World Wide Web location at  
superseded the installation CD-ROM provided.  
For more information on using POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, see  
the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User’s Guide.  
4.3 Video Resolutions Supported  
The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller is capable of supporting the  
graphics resolutions and refresh rates shown in Table 4-2.  
Table 4-2 Supported Video Modes  
Color Depths  
Refresh Rates  
(Bits per Pixel) (Hertz)  
640 x 480  
800 x 600  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85  
60, 65, 70, 75, 85  
60, 65, 70, 75  
60, 65, 70  
1024 x 768  
1152 x 870  
1152 x 900  
1280 x 1024  
1600 x 1200  
1600 x 1280  
1920 x 1080  
1920 x 1200  
60, 65, 70  
60, 65, 70  
8, 16  
The modes available are dependent on monitor capabilities. In general, refresh  
rates below 70 Hz are discouraged, as they tend to show flicker based on the  
lighting source and surrounding equipment.  
The available resolution is monitor dependent. All heads must have the same  
pixel depth. The pixel depth default is 8 bits per pixel.  
Compaq OpenVMS Software Installation and Customization 4-3  
4.4 Default Graphics Settings  
The default graphics resolution is 1024 x 768. The default refresh rate is 70 Hz  
and the default color depth is 8 bits per pixel.  
4.5 Determining Current Settings  
To find the current settings under OpenVMS, issue the following two  
commands, in order, at the DCL prompt:  
In addition, you can show the following logical names at the DCL prompt:  
If any of these logicals is not defined, then the respective default is in effect (see  
Section 4.4).  
Alternatively, you can also view the following error log file to determine the  
current settings:  
4.6 Overriding Default Settings  
To override any of the default settings, follow these steps:  
1. Copy or rename the  
create a new command (.com) file called  
2. Now make the edits for the settings you want to change using a text editor,  
and save the file.  
4-4 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
3. For the changes to take effect immediately you must restart the X server so  
that the new command file and changed settings will be used. The  
command to do this is as follows:  
The new file settings will now override the original default settings.  
The DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP procedure contains documentation for  
many of the default X server settings which may be changed. For more  
information on making changes to the default settings, symbols, and system-  
wide logicals, refer to the manual titled Managing DECwindows Motif for  
OpenVMS Systems. This document describes the symbols and settings that can  
be changed in the DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file. For a copy of  
the document, contact your local sales support representative or visit the  
Additional system logicals are described in  
However, this file should not be modified. If you wish to make changes to the  
default logicals defined within it, redefine them in the  
DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file. These changes will supersede  
the logicals assigned in the device configuration file.  
Some of the items that you can change via system logicals are described in the  
device configuration file but are not normally defined in  
DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file. Those logical default settings  
not defined in that file but that can be changed include the following items:  
4.7 Multihead Support  
Multiple 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controllers may reside on the same  
system. However, only one will be used for the VGA console.  
The supported number and configuration of multiple 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI  
graphics controllers varies by platform. OpenVMS can support up to four  
devices on a single system. The actual maximum is a combination of the  
Compaq OpenVMS Software Installation and Customization 4-5  
number of slots available and the number of heads (graphics modules) qualified  
for each of the platforms. Other software may put additional restrictions on the  
number of units supported.  
Other documentation shipped with your workstation or server may put specific  
limitations on the number and configurations for multihead support. Therefore,  
you should refer to the appropriate documentation set for limitations or  
exclusions that are appropriate to your situation.  
The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics controller is not supported in  
conjunction with any other graphics board residing in the same system.  
Matching Primary Screen with VGA Console  
Screen 0 is always the VGA-enabled head and must be installed in the lowest  
numbered slot of all installed graphics cards and must be placed on the PCI bus  
containing the ISA bridge. If you wish to change a screen with any of the  
console displays, you can alter the logical order for mapping of physical screens  
to logical screens by making a copy of the file  
DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE and saving it to a new file  
named DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM. You can then make changes  
to the default settings by editing the newly created file. Refer to Section 4.6 for  
details on changing the default settings.  
Caution: Changing the default settings in the  
DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file to try matching a screen with a  
console display can have unanticipated and adverse consequences. You should  
attempt to perform this operation only if you fully understand all possible  
consequences including the chance for loss of your primary screen.  
4.8 Messages  
Server messages are typically logged to the DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG file  
located in the SYS$MANAGER directory. Be sure to check this file first for  
informational messages related to any problems that are encountered during  
installation or usage.  
4-6 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
4.9 POLYCENTER Software Installation  
At the end of the OpenVMS POLYCENTER Software Installation procedure, a  
message is displayed that recommends a reboot of the system. At the conclusion  
of the installation, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility does not  
prompt for or enforce a reboot of the system for the new software image to  
become effective immediately. The 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI graphics  
controller two-dimensional (2D) support software becomes active only after the  
operating system has been rebooted.  
If the software is being installed in a clustered environment and it is not  
convenient to perform a reboot immediately following installation, then a rolling  
reboot may be used for the new image to take effect across all systems.  
Compaq OpenVMS Software Installation and Customization 4-7  

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