U S E R ‘ S M A N U A L
in it io Ò
Initio Corporation
2188 Del Franco Street
San Jose, CA 95131
408-577-1919 Voice
408-577-0640 Fax
Outside of the US and Canada, contact your authorized INITIO distributor. If you received your
INITIO hardware product as original equipment in a computer system, please contact that computer
manufacturer for technical support.
The following information is needed to assist in problem resolution.
Model type, serial number, and product description
Type and version number of operating system you are using. ( e.g., Windows 95)
Software driver product type and version number.
Motherboard BIOS version.
Location of purchase.
The README.TXT file on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 contains important
information about last minute changes, updates and corrections to this manual. README is a standard
ASCII text file that may be read with any word processor or text editor.
To view the README file from the MS-DOS prompt:
Type the following command from the MS-DOS prompt:
C:\> type readme.txt | more
This will permit you to page down the file, one screen at a time to read the file.
Table of Contents
Inside this manual................................................................................... ix
Notational Conventions........................................................................... xi
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1-1
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter ......................................... 1-2
Application and peripheral support ....................................................... 1-3
Plug and Play installation...................................................................... 1-4
Product features............................................................................................1-4
Product specifications ...................................................................................1-6
Where to get help.................................................................................. 1-6
GETTING STARTED................................................................................ 2-1
Host adapter and the SCSI bus .............................................................. 2-2
SCSI bus preparation ............................................................................ 2-2
SCSI bus termination............................................................................ 2-3
Installation basics ................................................................................. 2-4
Unpacking and inspection..................................................................... 2-5
Quick installation overview...........................................................................2-5
HARDWARE INSTALLATION................................................................ 3-1
Introduction.......................................................................................... 3-2
Preparing your SCSI device .................................................................. 3-2
Installation in ten easy steps.................................................................. 3-4
Hard disk drive preparation................................................................. 3-10
HOST ADAPTER SETUP.......................................................................... 4-1
Configuring the host adapter................................................................. 4-2
When to use the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility......................................... 4-2
Running the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility .............................................. 4-2
MS-DOS/WINDOWS................................................................................. 5-1
Overview .............................................................................................. 5-2
Installation............................................................................................ 5-2
Installing the Initio ASPI driver to an existing MS-DOS system ....................5-2
Installing the Initio ASPI driver to an existing Windows 3.1x system.............5-3
Device driver command line options ..................................................... 5-5
Driver config options: ...................................................................................5-5
MICROSOFT WINDOWS 95.................................................................... 6-1
Overview .............................................................................................. 6-2
Installation............................................................................................ 6-2
New Windows 95 installation .......................................................................6-3
Adding the Initio Driver to an existing Windows 95 system...........................6-6
Updating the Initio device driver...................................................................6-7
MICROSOFT WINDOWS-NT.................................................................. 7-1
Overview .............................................................................................. 7-2
Installation............................................................................................ 7-2
New Windows-NT installation......................................................................7-3
Adding or updating the Initio driver to an existing Windows-NT system:.......7-6
Installing a new Windows NT system and Initio driver without floppy disks..7-9
NOVELL NETWARE................................................................................ 8-1
Overview .............................................................................................. 8-2
Installation............................................................................................ 8-3
New NetWare 4.xx installation .....................................................................8-3
Adding the Initio driver to an existing NetWare system.................................8-7
Device driver command line options ..................................................... 8-8
Driver Config Options:..................................................................................8-9
IBM OS/2.................................................................................................... 9-1
Overview .............................................................................................. 9-2
Installation............................................................................................ 9-2
New OS/2 installation:..................................................................................9-3
Adding the Initio driver to an existing OS/2 system.......................................9-4
Device driver command line options ..................................................... 9-7
Driver Config Options:..................................................................................9-7
SCO UNIX ................................................................................................ 10-1
Overview ............................................................................................ 10-2
Installation.......................................................................................... 10-2
Updating interrupts and hardware settings ..................................................10-3
Installing the Initio driver in a new SCO UNIX system................................10-3
Adding the Initio driver to an existing SCO UNIX system ...........................10-5
Changing to the INI-9100U/9100UW as the bootable host adapter:..............10-6
SCO UNIXWARE .................................................................................... 11-1
Overview ............................................................................................ 11-2
Installation.......................................................................................... 11-2
Updating interrupts and hardware settings ..................................................11-2
Installing the Initio driver in a new UnixWare system .................................11-3
Adding the Initio driver to an existing UnixWare system.............................11-6
Using multiple Host Adapters .....................................................................11-7
Removing the Initio driver from a UnixWare system ...................................11-8
APPENDIX ............................................................................................... 12-1
A: Troubleshooting............................................................................ 12-2
B: DOS Space > 1GB......................................................................... 12-4
GLOSSARY.............................................................................................. 13-1
Inside this manual
This manual explains how to install Initio INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter
hardware and software drivers in most popular computer systems. The drivers
are provided on diskette and support Novell NetWare V3.1x/V4.x, IBM OS/2,
MS-DOS, SCO UNIX, Microsoft Windows 95, and Microsoft Windows-NT.
Support for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.1x is on-board the BIOS. The
INI-9100U/9100UW should be physically installed in the host computer before
attempting to install the driver for your computing environment.
The following headings briefly describe each of the chapters in this manual.
A description of the product features and the capabilities of the Initio
Getting Started
Identification of what information and equipment is required to setup
a SCSI bus system.
Hardware Installation
description of how to install and setup the Initio INI-
9100U/9100UW host adapter hardware.
Host Adapter Setup
Provides an explanation of Initio’s SCSI setup utilities, adding another
dimension to SCSI bus versatility. Provides an explanation of how to
customize the INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter for special system
For MS-DOS operation, the INI-9100U/9100UW has built-in driver
support for hard disk operation. If peripherals other than disks are
used, such as CD-ROM or tape drives, the Initio ASPI driver will need
to be installed. The driver may be found on the INITIO INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1.
Microsoft Windows 95
Software drivers are included for the operation of Windows 95.
Installation of the Windows 95 driver is explained in this section. The
driver may be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER
Microsoft Windows-NT
Software drivers are included for the operation of Windows-NT.
Installation of the Windows-NT driver is explained in this section. The
driver may be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER
Novell NetWare
Directions for installing a software driver for the operation of Novell
NetWare are provided. The installation procedure is explained in
detail to simplify installation of a version 4.x system driver.
Installation of a version 3.1x system driver is similar. The driver may
be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK1.
A software driver is provided for operation with a OS/2 system.
Installation of the OS/2 driver is explained in this section. The driver
may be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1.
Software drivers are provided for the operation with SCO UNIX. The
drivers allow the Initio INI-9100U/9100UW bus master to function at
an optimum level of performance. The installation procedure is
explained in detail and examples of screen displays are provided to
simplify installation for the SCO UNIX driver. The driver may be
found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 2.
SCO UnixWare
Software drivers are provided for the operation with SCO UnixWare.
The drivers allow the Initio INI-9100U/9100UW bus master to
function at an optimum level of performance. The installation
procedure is explained in detail and examples of screen displays are
provided to simplify installation for the SCO UnixWare driver. The
driver may be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER
Notational Conventions
The following conventions are used to provide you with common working
procedures throughout this manual.
Used to indicate the name files.
Used to indicate names of keys.
Used to indicate user input.
Italicized text
[switch name]
Used to highlight important information.
Indicated an optional switch selection.
This Chapter Is About
· What information this manual provides
· A description of the INI-9100U/9100UW host
· The features built into the INI-9100U/9100UW
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter
The INI-9100U and INI-9100UW are high-performance PCI bus master host
adapters which provide the interface between the SCSI bus and the PCI local
bus. In this User’s Manual we use the term INI-9100U/9100UW to refer to
both host adapter models. The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW supports 32-bit data
transfers across the high bandwidth PCI bus at speeds up to 133 MBytes per
second. The advanced Integrated Scatter/Gather Engine (ISGE)Ô reduces the
command overhead time enhancing the overall system response, thus providing
exceptional performance for the Initio INI-9100U/9100UW PCI-SCSI host
An on-board utility program is designed into the host adapter to simplify SCSI
bus set up. The SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility program enables simple integration
of the INI-9100U/9100UW into most platforms and with many operating
systems. The SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility will enhance the installation procedure
of the host adapters and allow for complete self-integration in those systems
that implement the current plug and play standards. The INI-9100U/9100UW
complies with plug and play applications on systems using the PCI bus
The INI-9100U host adapter will support asynchronous SCSI bus transfers to a
maximum rate of 5 MBytes per second and synchronous ultra SCSI bus
transfers to a rate of 20 MBytes per second. The INI-9100UW host adapter will
support asynchronous SCSI bus transfers to a maximum rate of 10 MBytes per
second and synchronous ultra wide SCSI bus transfers to a rate of 40 MBytes
per second, as well as ultra SCSI transfers to a rate of 20 MBytes per second.
Full support of UltraSCSI defined by the SCSI-3 specification,
disconnect/reconnect and command queuing provides maximum bus utilization
in multiple target implementations.
figure 1-1 INI-9100U Host adapter
figure 1-2 INI-9100UW Host adapter
Application and peripheral support
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW supports most operating systems with the
addition of dedicated software drivers. The most popular operating system
environments currently supported include MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows 95,
Microsoft Windows-NT, Novell NetWare, IBM OS/2, SCO UNIX, SCO
UnixWare. All of the commonly available peripheral devices used on the SCSI
bus are supported by the INI-9100U/9100UW host adapters.
Plug and Play installation
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter has been designed to take
advantage of plug and play specifications and simplify installation. This once
complex task is accomplished in the host adapter with on-board read only
memory (ROM), that provides the necessary configuration mechanism for
installation and booting without user intervention in PCI plug and play
compliant systems.
Product features
The PCI Bus is a 32-bit bus with multiplexed
address and data lines. The INI-9100U/9100UW
meets PCI bus protocol, electrical and mechanical
PCI Compatibility
The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter has on-board
read only memory (ROM) to provide the necessary
configuration mechanisms for installation,
configuration, and booting without user
Plug and Play
The 32-bit data path for the PCI bus structure
running in a synchronous mode at 33 MHz gives
peak sustainable operating speeds of 133
133 MBytes per
second PCI burst
Limitations on hard disk parameters for MS-DOS
can be extended from 1 GByte to 8 GBytes.
Hard Drives to 8
Gigabytes per drive
Up to 40 MBytes/sec synchronous Ultra Wide SCSI
data transfer for the INI-9100UW.
40 MBytes per second
Ultra Wide SCSI
transfers with the INI-
Up to 20 MBytes/sec synchronous Ultra SCSI data
transfer for the INI-9100U.
20 MBytes per second
Ultra SCSI transfers
with the INI-9100U
Host adapter auto-termination is controlled
automatically by hardware eliminating the need to
remove system unit covers each time a change is
made in SCSI bus configuration.
Programmable SCSI
The INI-9100U/9100UW has the necessary
software support on-board to run disk drive
operations for MS-DOS and Windows 3.1x.
Onboard BIOS
supports MS-DOS,
Windows 3.1x
The INI-9100U/9100UW is compatible with all
major operating systems.
Windows 95,
Windows-NT, OS/2,
UnixWare and
NetWare Driver
The INI-9100U/9100UW is a complete SCSI-2
implementation, including Ultra SCSI for the INI-
9100U and Ultra Wide SCSI for the INI-9100UW.
These products can be used with today’s most
popular multimedia and storage products.
Compatible with Hard
Disk, CD-ROM,
Optical, Tape,
Printer, and other
SCSI products
The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter has
incorporated hardware functions to provide
increased performance in all Scatter/Gather
ISGEÒ Integrated
Scatter/Gather Engine
The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter utilizes an
intelligent software utility to set configuration
No Hardware
Jumpers to set
A 64-byte FIFO is designed into the INI-
9100U/9100UW host adapter and utilized as a
matching buffer to manage PCI to SCSI bus
structure timing for data and command transfer.
64-byte FIFO
A unique implementation to provide 255
simultaneous SCSI commands.
Command Queuing
The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter is a fully
SCSI-3 compliant, implementing advanced features
such as:
SCSI-3 compliant
Tag Queuing
Sync/Async Transfers
Disconnect / Reselect Arbitration
Product specifications
Power Requirements
5.0 ± 0.25 V at 0.51 Amps maximum not including bus
Physical Dimensions
5.25” x 4.0” (13.35cm x 10.16cm)
INI-9100UW 6.25” x 3.75” (15.88cm x 9.53cm)
Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature
0 to 55 °C (32 to 131 °F)
10% to 90% relative humidity (non-condensing)
Storage Temperature
-40 to 75 °C (-40 to 167 °F)
5% to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)
Where to get help
Support is available if needed through Initio Technical Support as follows:
Monday - Friday:8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time
Phone: (408) 577-1919
Fax: (408) 577-3254
INITIO provides on-line support for software upgrades, utility programs, and
other information 24 hours a day using 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity at
speeds up to 14.4 K baud.
-Initio Corporation BBS: (408) 577-0431
Or you can contact Initio via the Internet by: email: support@initio.com
www: http://www.initio.com
Outside of the US and Canada, contact your authorized INITIO distributor. If
you received your INITIO hardware product as original equipment in a
computer system, please contact that computer manufacture for technical
The following information is needed to assist in problem resolution.
Model type, serial number, and product description.
Type and version number of operating system you are using (e.g.,
Windows 95)
Software driver product type and version number.
Motherboard BIOS version.
Location and date of purchase
Getting Started
This Chapter Is About
· Information on quick installation
· SCSI bus setup for internal and external
Getting Started
Host adapter and the SCSI bus
The INI-9100U/9100UW is a bus mastering host adapter which works with the
host computer to provide a means of control for the SCSI bus. By daisy
chaining peripheral devices together, up to seven devices can be linked with the
INI-9100U and up to fifteen devices can be linked with the INI-9100UW on the
SCSI bus. The host adapter can be placed in any physical position on the bus.
SCSI devices communicate on the bus using bus arbitration. Bus arbitration
gives each device an opportunity to use the bus based on the device priority on
the bus. This is determined by the device ID and not the device’s physical
location. The INI-9100U/9100UW’s ID is set at the factory with ID 7. This ID
positions the host adapter in an ideal position for single adapter environment
on the SCSI bus.
SCSI bus preparation
Each peripheral device that will be attached to the SCSI bus is either an
internal or external device. Each peripheral will have a specific device ID,
commonly referred to as a SCSI ID, which is set at the factory. Please refer to
your peripheral documentation to determine switch or jumper settings for SCSI
ID’s. A key point to remember is, no two devices can have the same ID. The
device ID uniquely defines the device to the SCSI bus.
When assigning a SCSI ID it is recommended to have the host adapter ID set at
ID 7, this is the factory default setting for the INI-9100U/9100UW. The exact
physical location of the device on the bus has no relationship to the SCSI ID of
the device. If you plan to boot your system from a SCSI disk drive, set that boot
drive at ID 0 for best operation with most operating systems. A second drive, if
used, can be set to ID 1 with additional devices using sequentially higher ID
SCSI bus termination
The SCSI bus structure has a length limitation as well as a requirement for
termination at each end of the SCSI cable. The cable is designed to connect in a
daisy chain fashion with only one peripheral being connected to another. No
branching is permitted in the SCSI bus. The first and last physical SCSI device
on the SCSI bus must be terminated (see figure 2-1).
figure 2-1 Examples of SCSI bus termination
The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter’s auto-termination is software controlled
by the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility. This feature allows the operator to switch on
or off the auto-termination. If auto-termination is switched off, the operator
can manually adjust termination for the host adapter without the need to
remove the cover on the host system each time a change is made in the SCSI
bus configuration. There are three ways to manually control terminating the
INI-9100U on the SCSI bus (see table 2-1) and there are six ways to terminate
the INI-9100UW on the SCSI bus (see table 2-2).
SCSI Devices Configuration
Internal devices only
Host Adapter Termination
External devices only
Internal and external devices
table 2-1 INI-9100U possible termination settings
SCSI Devices Configuration
Host Adapter Termination
68-pin internal connector only
68-pin external device only
50-pin internal only
68-pin internal and 68-pin external
50-pin and 68-pin internal devices
50-pin and 68-pin internal devices
and 68-pin external device
Invalid Configuration
table 2-2 INI-9100UW possible termination settings
Installation basics
The INI-9100U/9100UW PCI to SCSI Bus Master host adapter is installed into
a computer system with a PCI bus. The host adapter supports 32-bit data
transfers across the PCI bus at speeds up to 133 MBytes per second. The Initio
host adapter has no switches or jumpers to set, increasing the ease of
The SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility provides simple integration of the INI-
9100U/9100UW into most platforms and operating systems. The INI-
9100U/9100UW on board BIOS will allow for complete integration in those
systems that implement Plug and Play. With the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility you
are able to conveniently turn on or off the SCSI auto-termination as well as
manually control the SCSI terminators without opening the system unit to
reconfigure the SCSI bus. The utility also provides a smart and simple method
of access to other more advanced SCSI bus configuration features.
Unpacking and inspection
When you receive your INI-9100U/9100UW, please inspect the external
packaging for any visible sign of damage and return the package if damaged.
The carrier is responsible for any damage incurred during shipping and
storage. If the package is damaged please contact the carrier immediately.
Quick installation overview
The following description will provide you a brief overview of the installation
procedure and is intended for the experienced installer, for detailed installation
instructions refer to the chapter titled Installation.
Installing the INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter and
Power down and unplug the computer. Then remove the cover on
the host system.
Take precautions to eliminate accidental static discharge to the
host adapter by touching the system unit chassis after it has been
powered down.
Install the host adapter by inserting it into the PCI connector in
the host computer. Orient the host adapter so that the external
connector will be facing the rear of the system unit when inserted.
Refer to your PC documentation to locate a PCI connector.
Install the internal cable by matching the cable ‘striped side’ with
the card connector ‘Ñ‘, J1 pin 1 on the INI-9100U/9100UW.
Complete the SCSI bus by connecting the cable to the other SCSI
peripherals in your system. Please refer to the specific peripheral
manufacturers users manuals for proper SCSI cable installation.
Close the cover on host computer. This completes the hardware
installation of the INI-9100U/9100UW.
Cable termination
Host adapter auto-termination is software controlled by the
SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility. Auto-termination is enabled by
default during power-up. Recall that first and last physical SCSI
device on the SCSI bus must be terminated.
Refer to the specific peripheral manufacturers users manual for
proper SCSI cable termination.
Configuring the host adapter
Host adapter configuration is performed automatically by the host adapter
BIOS during power-up. The factory settings are designed for best
operation. However, the host adapter can be configured to meet your
special operating environment, using the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility
described below.
The INI 9100U/9100UW host adapter includes an on-board configuration
utility called the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility. The utility is accessible
during the system boot routine, after the Initio banner is displayed, by
pressing <Ctrl>+<I> on the host system keyboard. The SmartSCSIÔ Setup
Utility is resident in the host adapter’s Read Only Memory (ROM). The
purpose of the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility is to customize SCSI/BIOS-
related parameters and perform low level SCSI disk formatting when
required. Once the configuration is established the information is saved in
on-board non-volatile memory which can be modified when necessary in
future sessions. Please refer to section 4-2 in this user’s manual for
detailed information on the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility.
Hardware Installation
This Chapter Is About
· Installing the INI-9100U/9100UW
Hardware Installation
This chapter will provide the installer with instructions for the installation of
the Initio INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter. If you are not familiar with SCSI
systems architecture or host adapter installation, this chapter will provide
detailed installation instructions.
Preparing your SCSI device
The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter allows for versatility in building your
SCSI bus configuration. The INI-9100U host adapter can be connected to a
maximum of seven SCSI devices. The INI-9100U has one internal 50-pin
connector and one 50-pin high density external connector. The internal cable
permits connection of multiple internal devices. SCSI devices that are
connected to the internal connector are installed inside the host computer
enclosure. The external connector is accessible through the D-shell connector at
the back of the host system is designed to connect devices outside the host
system enclosure. The cabling required for an external SCSI bus configuration
is not included with this kit.
The INI-9100UW can be connected to a maximum of fifteen SCSI devices.
The INI-9100UW has two internal connectors: one 68-pin high density ultra
wide SCSI connector; and one 50-pin connector. They are used for attaching
internally mounted devices by means of a ribbon cable. The INI-9100UW also
features one 68-pin high density external connector for attaching external
devices. The internal cable permits connection of multiple internal devices.
SCSI devices that are connected to the internal connector are installed inside
the host computer enclosure. The external connector is accessible through the
D-shell connector at the back of the host system is designed to connect devices
outside the host system enclosure. The cabling required for an external SCSI
bus configuration is not included with this kit.
Figure (3-1) identifies the major components of the INI-9100U host adapter,
and figure (3-2) identifies the major components of the INI-9100UW host
adapter. Table (3-1) describes each component. Please note that some
components may be marked differently on the two host adapter models. You
may find it helpful to refer to these illustrations while installing the host
adapter and attaching the cables.
figure 3-1 INI-9100U Board Layout
figure 3-2 INI-9100UW Board Layout
INI-9100U INI-9100UW Description
50-pin Internal Ultra SCSI Connector
68-pin Internal Ultra Wide SCSI Connector
50-pin External Ultra SCSI Connector
68-pin External Ultra Wide SCSI Connector
Active Termination Jumper for Multiple
External Drive Activity LED Connector
table 3-1 Component Description
To increase the reliability of the cabling being used with the INI-
9100U/9100UW, it is recommended that the following guidelines be observed:
Synchronous SCSI - up to 6 meters or 20 ft
Fast SCSI - up to 3 meters or 10 ft
Ultra SCSI - 4 devices, up to 3 meters or 10 ft
UltraWide SCSI - 4 devices, up to 3 meters or 10 ft
Ultra SCSI - 7 devices, up to 1.2 meters or 4 ft
UltraWide SCSI - 8 devices, up to 1.2 meters or 4 ft
Use high quality twisted pair cable.
Impedance of the cable should be between 90-110 ohms.
Use high quality shielded connectors.
Installation in ten easy steps
The following steps will guide you through the installation of the INI-
9100U/9100UW host adapter into the host system. The host adapters are
designed to be inserted into a PCI bus compliant host computer system. If you
are an experienced installer and have installed this product according to the
“Quick Installation Guide” then skip to Chapter 4.
1. Power down the host computer and all peripherals.
Remove the cover from the host system. You may need to refer to the
system manual for cover removal. If necessary, identify the PCI
sockets inside the host system with the aid of the system
2. Use static electricity discharge precautions.
Remove possible static discharge potential from any objects that the
host adapter may come in contact with before installation. This can be
accomplished by touching a bare metal chassis rail after you have
turned off the power. This precaution will prevent possible damage to
the host adapter before removing the INI-9100U/9100UW from its
protective packaging.
3. Inserting the host adapter
Orient the host adapter for installation so that the external connector is
facing the back of the System unit and align the card with the PCI
connector on the system unit (see figure 3-3).
Holding the adapter by the mounting bracket and the card edge, match
up the card edge connector with the PCI host computer socket and
insert the card into the socket. Once the connector is in the PCI
expansion slot socket tighten the mounting bracket screw to secure the
card in place. The host adapter requires no switches or jumpers to be
set when used in PCI plug and play systems.
figure 3-3 Inserting the INI-9100U/9100UW into a PCI slot
4. Installation of internal SCSI cables
The INI-9100U has one 50-pin internal SCSI bus connector and the
INI-9100UW has two internal connectors: one 50-pin flat ribbon SCSI
connector, and one 68-pin high density ultra wide SCSI connector;
both internal connectors may be used in tandem or singularly,
depending on your bus configuration. Installation of internal SCSI
cables must be performed before replacing the system covers. The
internal ribbon cable is made with multiple connectors attached and
used to daisy chain the host adapter with two or more devices. It is
important that the cable installed correctly for proper operation. The
cable has a colored stripe running the length of the cable, on the edge
distinguishing the pin one side of the connector. These identifying
markings must match when mated on the host adapter board.
When attaching ultra wide SCSI internal devices, use the 68-pin high
density wide SCSI internal cable connector. This connector, identified
by J4 on the host adapter (refer to figure 3-2), is keyed for proper
orientation and connection. Insert on end of the internal wide ultra
SCSI cable into the INI-9100UW host adapter and the other
connectors in a similar fashion into your ultra wide SCSI connectors
as described in the appropriate manufacturers instructions.
When attaching ultra SCSI devices, use the 50-pin ultra SCSI cable
connector, identified by J1 on the host adapter (refer to figure 3-4).
This connector has a triangle marking that identifies pin-one. Align
the internal cable into the host adapter and the other cable connectors
in a similar fashion into the other SCSI device connectors as described
in the appropriate manufacturers instructions.
figure 3-4 Connecting the 50-pin internal flat ribbon cable
5. Drive activity LED
A drive activity LED is designed into the INI-9100U/9100UW host
adapter to indicate when a data transfer is being made. Connection to
the LED is optional and cabling is not included with this kit. The INI-
9100U/9100UW host adapter has a four pin connector located at J3
(refer to figure 3-1) to accommodate an LED cable.
6. Multiple Initiators
Under some circumstances multiple initiators can be used on a single
SCSI bus. The bus is configured to have more than one host adapter
inserted into at least two distinctly different computer systems sharing
peripheral devices. In theses circumstances, it is possible to have one
of the two computer systems turned off. Under theses conditions, the
INI-9100U/9100UW has a jumper JP1, that can be enabled (closed) to
set the active on-board termination on all the time, regardless of
whether power is applied or not. The host adapter is shipped without
the jumper installed and need not be changed in most cases.
7. Installation of external SCSI cables
Installation of external SCSI cables can be performed after the cover
has been closed. The cable is limited in length to a total of six meters
including any internal cabling. The external cable can be daisy
chained to include up to seven devices with the INI-9100U/9100UW in
combination with internal devices. The external cable is designed to be
inserted only one way requiring termination at the end peripheral
device on the bus (see figure 3-5).
figure 3-5 External cable connection
8. Host computer configuration
Most computer manufacturers with a PCI bus automatically configure
the add on-card or host adapter I/O Port address, IRQ Channel and
BIOS address. If this is not the case with your computer system you
will need manually configure your system.
There are two means of configuring the PCI bus from the host
computer system:
1. Setting jumpers on the host system motherboard.
2. Setting CMOS BIOS incorporated into the host system.
You will need to refer to the host computer system documentation to
complete PCI bus activation and setup.
If the host system will be using a SCSI device to provide system boot
capability, then the system CMOS drive type settings may need to be
changed. Under some conditions the system will expect the boot disk
to be an IDE drive. This must be changed in order to boot from a
SCSI device.
9. System startup
Visually inspect the configuration you have installed to verify that all
cables have been inserted correctly. Close the cover on host computer.
Hardware installation for the INI-9100U/9100UW is now complete.
The newly installed SCSI bus is now ready to power up. Switch on
peripheral and host computer system power. The system monitor
should display the following information, but may vary, based on the
system BIOS manufacturer.
The normal Power-On Self Test and memory test procedure.
The host adapter sign on message including a list of attached
SCSI devices.
The list should match the peripheral devices attached to the bus. In
most cases the host computer system is now configured and ready for
Some situations will require that a low-level format be performed
using the host adapter SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility to initialize a SCSI
disk drive and lay the foundation for a bootable SCSI drive.
10. SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility
The SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility simplifies the SCSI installation
process by eliminating the need for opening the system to change
system jumpers and switch settings. All necessary host adapter
functions are accessible through the utility, simplifying customization
for your system needs. Initio’s SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility is divided
into five segments identified by: Scan Bus; Device Setup; Adapter
Setup; BIOS Setup; and Disk Utility. All of these program functions
are accessible during Boot procedures by typing <CTRL><I>. The
SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility is covered in greater detail in the chapter
titled Host Adapter Setup.
Hard disk drive preparation
A new SCSI disk drive is normally low-level formatted at the factory to
simplify installation. The drive can be used as it comes from the factory once it
is partitioned for system operation.
In cases where a drive has been used with other host adapters the drive should
have a low-level format performed. This procedure will eliminate any problems
that could arise from incompatibility with different adapters that could affect
operation or reliability. A low-level format will destroy any data left on the
drive at the time of formatting. If you wish to save the data before the low-level
format is performed, a backup disk of the files will need to be made.
Low-level format
A low-level format will erase any data that is stored on the target disk. Before
attempting to perform a low-level format be sure the data on the target disk has
been backed up. A low-level format can be achieved via the SmartSCSIÔ Setup
Utility for the INI-9100U/9100UW.
The low level format sets the media to a state which is easily recognized by the
host adapter on the SCSI bus. Once this format is completed, you will need to
partition the drive. Refer to your operating system documentation for further
information on partitioning drives.
Host Adapter Setup
This Chapter Is About
· How to start the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility
· Description of SmartSCSIÔ features
Host Adapter Setup
Configuring the host adapter
The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter is a plug and play host adapter which
eliminates the need to toggle switches for the host adapter to function in PCI
plug and play systems. Once the host adapter has been installed into the host
computer system it is not necessary to remove the host computer’s cover if
changes are made to your system configuration. The SCSI bus protocols that
your system requires are set by SmartSCSIÔ. The SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility is
a program that enables easy access to SCSI bus and host adapter setup and
provides the tools to fine tune your host adapter to meet your SCSI bus
When to use the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility
The Initio host adapter is pre-configured to function in most SCSI bus
environments while providing the highest performance levels for storage and
other peripheral devices. This utility enables added versatility in configuration
of the host adapter by giving the operator the flexibility to customize settings
and perform low level formats of disk media if required.
Running the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility
To start the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility, verify that all devices attached to the
SCSI bus are powered up when the host computer system is turned on. Once the
power switch has been turned on and the system begins its on screen power up
sequence, the Initio banner, shown below, will be displayed for a brief period.
During this time the Initio SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility is accessible by pressing
the “Control” key and the “I” key at the same time. The following message
when displayed on your system monitor indicates that the host system is ready
to accept your keyboard input.
!!! Press <Ctrl> <I> for SmartSCSI Setup Utility !!!
Main menu options
The main menu provides five possible setup options for meeting your system
Scan Bus
Device Setup
Adapter Setup
BIOS Setup
Disk Utility
Scan Bus
This option scans the SCSI bus. All device ID’s are displayed on the
screen including SCSI ID’s without devices attached. This allows for
a better definition of location and priority on the SCSI bus.
A device ID should only be changed if it conflicts with
another device address on the same bus. Refer to your
peripheral documentation for changing SCSI ID’s.
The best ID for a bootable hard disk is SCSI ID 0.
Device Setup
All device ID’s for the INI-9100U/9100UW are displayed on screen,
including SCSI ID’s without devices attached. This allows for a better
definition of location and priority on the SCSI bus.
Asynchronous Transfer. Use this option to set the synchronous data
transfer mode. The INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter will transfer data
at a maximum rate of 5 MBytes per second in asynchronous mode and
20 MBytes per second in synchronous mode. The INI-9100UW host
adapter will transfer data at a maximum rate of 10 Mbytes per second
in asynchronous mode and 40 Mbytes per second in synchronous
mode. Use this option to set the synchronous data transfer mode. The
default setting for this option is for synchronous operation. (no)
Maximum Synchronous Transfer Rate. This option determines the
speed at which data is moved across the SCSI cable. The INI-9100U
has the option of running up to 20 MBytes per second and the INI-
9100UW has the option of running up to 40 Mbytes per second. (20)
DOS Space > 1 GB. Using this option allows for single disk
capacities to be extended up to 8 GBytes (yes). Please refer to the
Appendix titled DOS Space > 1 GB for further information on this
(NO) DOS limits the number of cylinders per drive to 1024.
The host adapter defines head and sector usage to 64 heads
and 32 sectors. This format allows for maximum capacity of 1
gigabyte per disk storage.
(YES) The upper limit can be extended from 1 GByte to 8
GBytes by increasing the number of heads to 255 and sectors
used per track to 63. This is a powerful option. DATA CAN
Spin Up Disk Drive. This option is used to initiate motor spin-up for
SCSI disk drives. The host adapter BIOS can limit system power
requirements during power-up. This is accomplished by signaling the
device to start at delayed intervals. (no)
Enable Disconnect. The host adapter uses this option to allow a
device to temporarily disconnect from the SCSI bus (referred to as
disconnect/reconnect). This allows the host adapter to perform other
functions on the bus while the device is temporarily disconnected. The
device and the host adapter can then reconnect when the bus is
needed. (yes)
Enable Wide Negotiation (INI-9100UW ONLY). This option
determines whether the host adapter initiates wide data transfer with
the specified SCSI device. However, not all SCSI devices can handle
wide data transfer properly and this may cause problems with your
system. If problems arise from wide SCSI negotiation, disable this
option. The normal setting for this option is enabled (yes).
Host Adapter Setup
Host Adapter SCSI Bus ID. Used to change the adapter’s SCSI ID on
the SCSI bus. The INI-9100U provides eight ID’s available numbered
0-7, with 7 having the highest priority. The INI-9100UW provide
sixteen ID’s available numbered 0-15, with 15 having the highest
priority. The default ID is 7 for the INI-9100U/9100UW.
Installation of additional host adapters is permitted on the same PCI
bus. This will allow the system to have more than one SCI bus
attached. Under these conditions SCSI ID’s can be repeated.
Boot Device ID. This option selects which SCSI device will be the
designated boot device for the system. The INI-9100U/9100UW
provides seven SCSI ID’s available to boot from. The default ID for
this option is 0.
SCSI Terminators. This option is used to set auto-termination located
on the host adapter card. This option is also used to manually control
termination on the host adapter. The normal setting for this option is
SCSI Parity Check ON. Select this option to enable or disable parity
checking on the SCSI bus by the host adapter. The default setting for
this option is on. (yes)
BIOS Setup
Enable Host Adapter BIOS. This option controls the host adapter
usage of SCSI disk I/O routines inside the INI-9100U/9100UW BIOS.
By disabling this option you will eliminate the host adapter’s ability to
utilize boot capabilities in the INI-9100U/9100UW. Setting this to
“no” will also disable all subsequent features displayed by this on-
screen panel. (yes)
BIOS Support For More Than 2 Drives. This option supports 2 or
more disk drives on the SCSI bus for MS-DOS 5.0 or later when
enabled. The optimum device identification (ID) for multiple drive
operation is device ID 0 for a system disk and device ID 1 for the
second drive. (yes)
BIOS Treat Removable Disks as Fixed Disk. This option is able to
treat removable disks as fixed disks. With this option selected you can
run removable disk media without additional software drivers. To have
the ability to interchange media during operation, additional third
party drivers will be needed for that peripheral device. (no)
Disk Utilities
Format Disk. Use this option to perform a low level disk format on
the target device. The format will erase all data resident on the
targeted disk drive. Refer to the section titled “Hard Drive
Preparation” for additional information.
Verify Disk. This option will verify the media of a successfully
formatted device and verify that the drive is functioning properly.
Verify will also identify and flag any bad sectors on the disk so that
during operation these flagged sectors will not be used. If a bad sector
is found you are given two options show below:
Reassign will assign the flagged location to another sector on
the disk.
Skip will not reassign the flagged location.
This Chapter Is About
· Installing the Initio ASPI Driver to an Existing MS-
DOS System
· Installing the Initio ASPI Driver to an Existing
Windows 3.1x System
· Device Driver Command Line Options
MS-DOS Driver Installation
The on-board BIOS initialized during the power up boot routine only supports
MS-DOS hard disk operation. If peripherals other than disks are used, such as
CD-ROM or tape, the Initio ASPI driver will need to be installed in addition to
third party applications and utilities such as the Corel SCSI utilities included in
this kit. The Initio ASPI driver will support extended SCSI command
functions for MS-DOS 3.30 or later.
The installation procedure guides you through the installation of the Initio DOS
ASPI and the ASPI for Windows 3.1x drivers. The installation procedure
described here requires some experience in MS-DOS or Windows 3.1x system
setup and administration. The device driver is transferred from the INITIO INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 to the hard drive where it is automatically
initialized during the system boot routine.
The INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 contains two installation
programs that perform the same task. If you have completed installing the
Initio ASPI driver using the MS-DOS based installation routine described in
this User’s Manual, it is not necessary to repeat the procedure for a Windows
3.1x environment on the same system.
Installing the Initio ASPI driver to an existing MS-DOS system
The ASPI driver is found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK
1. It is important that the SCSI bus hardware, and operating system are
installed correctly before proceeding further. If you need help installing the
MS-DOS operating system, please refer to the MS-DOS manual before
1. Turn on host system and boot into MS-DOS.
2. Insert the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into your
floppy drive.
3. At the MS-DOS prompt, change to your active floppy drive (e.g., type
A: <ENTER>).
A series of screens will guide you through the installation of the
ASPI device drivers.
5. The first screen sets the installation drive and directory that the ASPI
driver will be installed on. Follow the on-screen directions and/or
options to continue the installation.
6. To activate the device driver, reboot the system by pressing <CTRL>
+ <ALT> + <DEL>.
If a CD-ROM, tape drive, scanner, or optical drive is installed on your system,
a third party device driver is needed.
A driver may be provided by the
manufacturer and is used in addition to the Initio ASPI driver to provide proper
support for that device. Please refer to your peripheral device manufacturer
documentation for additional information.
Installing the Initio ASPI driver to an existing Windows 3.1x
The ASPI for Windows 3.1x driver is found on the INITIO INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1. It is important that the SCSI bus hardware,
and operating system are installed correctly before proceeding further. If you
need help installing Windows 3.1x, please refer to the Microsoft Windows
manual before proceeding.
1. Turn on host system and boot into MS-DOS and Windows
3.1x operating system.
2. Insert the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into your
floppy drive.
3. Use your installed mouse or the appropriate key strokes to select
RUN… from the Windows PROGRAM MANAGER. Execute the
following steps:
Type A:\SETUP <ENTER>. A series of screens will guide you
through the installation of the ASPI for Windows device drivers.
Choose CONTINUE to continue the installation sequence.
Choose CONTINUE to accept the Host Adapter selection.
4. Two installation options are available:
Choose EXPRESS INSTALL to install both the DOS ASPI
drivers and the Windows 32-bit Disk Access drivers. Use this
option if you are unfamiliar with configuring a DOS or Windows
Choose CUSTOM INSTALL to select DOS ASPI drivers or the
Windows 32-bit Disk Access drivers manually. Use this option
only of you are familiar with configuring a DOS or Windows PC
5. Follow the on-screen directions and/or options to continue the
Choose CONTINUE to accept the default directory or enter the
full directory where you want ASPI drivers installed.
Choose CONTINUE after all the files have been copied and
installed to your system.
Select YES to make the required changes to your system’s
CONFIG.SYS and SYSTEM.INI configuration files.
Once the SETUP COMPLETE screen is displayed, choose
6. Last minute changes to this User’s Manual will be displayed in the
README.TXT file that is shown. To exit the README.TXT file,
use your installed mouse or the appropriate key strokes to select FILE,
then EXIT from the Note Pad FILE MENU.
7. To complete the installation and activate the device driver, exit from
your Windows 3.1x session and reboot the system by pressing
<CTRL> + <ALT> + <DEL>.
If a CD-ROM, tape drive, scanner, or optical drive is installed on your system,
a third party device driver is needed.
A driver may be provided by the
manufacturer and is used in addition to the Initio ASPI driver to provide proper
support for that device. Please refer to your peripheral device manufacturer
documentation for additional information.
Device driver command line options
The Initio device driver supports command line switches to optimize driver
operation. Device drivers normally, once installed, work effectively. However,
in certain situations some driver optimization may be advantageous to system
performance. From inside the CONFIG.SYS file for MS-DOS, use the
following format when modifying the device driver switches:
The standard format for command line switches is:
Device = C:\INIASPI\ASPI910U.SYS [Driver Config Option]
Driver config options:
Verbose Mode provides detailed information about driver on
system command line when driver is initialized.
Driver scan eight LUNs for each SCSI Target.
Scan device only on PCI BUS #b, PCI DEVICE #dd
The range for “b” is from 0 to 7.
The range for “dd” is from 0 to 20.
Scan all the devices on the PCI BUS #b
The range for “b” is from 0 to 7.
Scan device only on the PCI BUS #0 and device #dd
The range for “dd” is from 0 to 20.
/CCBSx Defines the maximum number of concurrent I/O that driver
The range for “x” is from 1 to 16.
Microsoft Windows 95
This Chapter Is About
· Installing the Initio driver into a new Windows 95
· Installing the Initio driver into an existing
Windows 95 system
· Updating Initio device drivers
Microsoft Windows 95 Driver Installation
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW will support Microsoft Windows 95 with the
addition of a software driver. The installation procedure described here
requires some experience in Windows 95 system setup and administration. The
device driver is transferred from the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER
DISK 1 to the hard drive where it is automatically initialized during the system
boot routine.
The following files are used for installation and will be found on the Initio INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1:
INI-9100U/9100UW SCSI Host Adapter Windows 95
miniport driver.
Windows 95 installation information file.
The INI-9100U/9100UW driver developed for Windows 95 is loaded during the
system boot routine and will remain resident on the drive. This is accomplished
by following one of the three installation procedures listed:
New Windows 95 installation.
Adding the Initio Windows 95 device driver to an existing Windows 95
Updating INI910U.MPD device driver
Reference Documentation:
Windows 95 installation and user’s guide
The systems setup and installation guide
The documentation for system peripherals
Initio documentation for the SCSI host adapter
The procedures described to make changes to the system have distinct
differences. It is strongly suggested that the selected procedure be read and
understood before proceeding with the system configuration changes. Please
read the instructions carefully.
New Windows 95 installation
These instructions will guide you through the installation of the Initio host
adapter driver while installing Windows 95. Windows 95 will be installed from
either a CD-ROM or floppy diskettes. It is important that the hardware and
DOS 4.01 or higher have been installed successfully before proceeding further.
If installing from a SCSI CD-ROM drive, it is important that the Initio ASPI
driver, and CD-ROM driver be installed before proceeding further.
1. Access the Windows 95 CD-ROM either from the DOS prompt or from
Microsoft Windows 3.x File Manager. Execute the SETUP.EXE program
and follow the instructions on your screen. If you are installing from
floppy diskette, insert the Windows 95 Setup Disk 1 in your floppy disk
drive and boot your system. Follow the instructions on your screen.
2. Once a Windows 95 session is established, use your installed mouse or the
appropriate key strokes to select MY COMPUTER from the MAIN
DESKTOP. Execute the following steps:
Select CONTROL PANEL from within the MY COMPUTER group.
3. Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group,
Select DEVICE MANAGER tab from within the SYSTEM group
Select the OTHER DEVICES category from within the DEVICE
MANAGER listing.
Select the PCI-SCSI Bus Controller sub-category from within the
In the Initio PCI-SCSI Bus Controller Properties window, select the
DRIVER tab, then select “CHANGE DRIVER...”.
In the SELECT HARDWARE TYPE window, select SCSI
In the SELECT DEVICE window, select “HAVE DISK...”.
4. In the INSTALL FROM DISK window that is displayed, enter the Initio
Driver path name:
Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into drive A:
Type: A:\WIN95, select “OK”
5. Select INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW Host Adapter, select “OK”, then
“OK” again to install the INI910U.MPD driver onto your hard disk drive.
6. This completes loading the Host Adapter Driver, follow the on-screen
directions to complete the Windows 95 installation. Exit and reboot the
system to activate the device driver.
7. It is highly recommended that you verify your Windows 95 device driver
has been properly installed by selecting MY COMPUTER from the
desktop. Then select CONTROL PANEL:
Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group,
Select DEVICE MANAGER from within the SYSTEM group,
listing, and
within the SCSI CONTROLLER listing. If “This device is working
properly” is displayed on your screen, the driver has been correctly
Adding the Initio Driver to an existing Windows 95 system
These instructions will guide you through the installation of the Initio host
adapter to an existing Windows 95 system. Windows 95 will automatically
detect the presence of new hardware in Plug and Play compliant systems. It is
important that the Initio INI-9100U/9100UW hardware has been properly
installed before proceeding further.
1. Microsoft Windows 95 will detect the presence of new hardware upon
boot-up and will display a dialog window titled NEW HARDWARE
FOUND and PCI SCSI BUS CONTROLLERS will be highlighted.
Select SCSI CONTROLLER from the list of available devices, then
select “HAVE DISK...”
2. In the INSTALL FROM DISK window that is displayed, enter the Initio
Driver path name:
Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into drive A:
Type: A:\WIN95, select “OK”
3. Select INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW Host Adapter, select “OK”, then
“OK” again to install the INI910U.MPD driver onto your hard disk drive.
4. This completes loading the Host Adapter Driver, follow the on-screen
directions to complete the Windows 95 installation. Exit and reboot the
system to activate the device driver
5. It is highly recommended that you verify your Windows 95 device driver
has been properly installed by selecting MY COMPUTER from the
desktop. Then select CONTROL PANEL:
Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group,
Select DEVICE MANAGER from within the SYSTEM group,
listing, and
within the SCSI CONTROLLER listing. If “This device is working
properly” is displayed on your screen, the driver has been correctly
Updating the Initio device driver
1. Once a Windows 95 session is established, use your installed mouse or the
appropriate key strokes to select MY COMPUTER from the Main
Desktop. Execute the following steps:
Select CONTROL PANEL from within the MY COMPUTER group.
Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group.
2. Select the DEVICE MANAGER tab from within the SYSTEM group.
Select the SCSI CONTROLLERS category from within the DEVICE
MANAGER listing.
Select the INI-9100U/9100UW SCSI HOST ADAPTER sub-category
from within the SCSI CONTROLLERS listing
window, select the DRIVER tab, then select “CHANGE DRIVER...”.
4. In the SELECT DEVICE window, select “HAVE DISK...”.
5. In the INSTALL FROM DISK window that is displayed, enter the Initio
Driver path name:
Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into drive A:
Type: A:\WIN95, select “OK”
6. Select INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW Host Adapter, select “OK” to
install the INI910U.MPD driver onto your hard disk drive.
7. This completes updating the Host Adapter Driver. Follow the on-screen
directions to restart you computer and activate the new driver.
8. It is highly recommended that you verify your Windows 95 device driver
has been properly installed by selecting MY COMPUTER from the
desktop. Then select CONTROL PANEL:
Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group,
Select DEVICE MANAGER from within the SYSTEM group,
listing, and
within the SCSI CONTROLLER listing. If “This device is working
properly” is displayed on your screen, the driver has been correctly
Microsoft Windows-NT
This Chapter Is About
· Installing the Initio driver into a new Windows NT
· Installing or updating the Initio driver into an
existing Windows NT system
· Installing a new Windows NT system and Initio
driver without floppy disks
Microsoft Windows-NT Driver Installation
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter will support Windows-NT
v3.5x/4.0 with the addition of a software driver. A software driver allows the
host computer the ability to transfer data over the SCSI bus. The device driver
for Windows-NT is copied from the Initio driver installation diskette to your
hard drive where it is loaded onto the computing system during installation.
The following files are used for installation and may be found on the INITIO
INI-9100U/9100UW SCSI Host Adapter Windows-NT
miniport driver.
TXTSETUP.OEM Script file for installing INI910U.SYS during the text
setup phase.
Script file for installing INI910U.SYS during the
windows phase.
Reference Documentation:
Windows-NT installation and user’s guide
The systems setup and installation guide
The documentation for system peripherals
Initio documentation for the SCSI host adapter
The INI-9100U/9100UW driver developed for Windows-NT will be installed on
the hard drive used for system initialization. The driver is loaded during the
system boot routine and will remain resident on the drive. This is accomplished
by following one of the four installation procedures listed:
New Windows-NT installation
Adding or updating the INI-9100U/9100UW Host Adapter Driver to an
existing Windows-NT System
The procedures described to make changes to the system have distinct
differences. It is strongly suggested that the selected procedure be read and
understood before proceeding with the system configuration changes. Please
read the instructions carefully.
New Windows-NT installation
These instructions will guide you through the installation of the Initio host
adapter driver while installing Windows-NT 4.0. Windows-NT will be installed
from either floppy diskettes or CD-ROM. The Windows-NT driver will be
found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1. It is important
that the hardware has been installed successfully before proceeding further.
1. If you are installing Windows-NT from floppy diskettes, locate the
Windows-NT Disk 1 for Floppy Installation. Make a backup copy of
this diskette before installation.
2. If you are installing Windows-NT from a CD-ROM drive, locate the
Windows-NT Setup Disk for CD-ROM Installation. Make a backup
copy of this diskette before installation.
3. Insert the backup Windows-NT Setup disk into drive A: and turn on
your computer.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen. The following
message will be displayed on your screen (see figure 7-1):
Figure 7-1 Windows-NT Setup
Press “ENTER” to continue setting up Windows NT.
Select “S” to skip mass storage detection.
Select “S” to configure additional SCSI adapters.
figure 7-2 Select “Other” from list of options
5. Scroll down the list and select “OTHER (Requires Disk Provided
by a Hardware Manufacturer)”, figure 7-2, from the list of
Additional SCSI Adapters. A message will appear on screen stating
figure 7-3 Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1
Remove diskette in drive A and set it aside.
Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 and press
Select: Initio INI-9100U/9100UW SCSI Host Adapter (see figure
figure 7-4 Select Initio driver
6. The Initio host adapter driver is now installed
7. The on-screen instructions will continue for a complete installation of
Windows-NT. Refer to your Windows-NT users manual for
completion of the operating system installation procedure.
Adding or updating the Initio driver to an existing Windows-
NT system:
For computer systems using other SCSI host adapters or an IDE drive to
provide the system boot routine, these instructions will guide you through the
INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter driver installation. The Windows-NT driver
will be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1. It is
important that the SCSI bus hardware and Windows-NT are installed and
configured before proceeding further.
1. Once a Windows NT session is established, use your installed mouse or the
appropriate key strokes to select MY COMPUTER from the Main
Desktop. Execute the following steps:
Select CONTROL PANEL from within the MY COMPUTER group.
Select SCSI ADAPTERS from within the CONTROL PANEL group.
2. Select the DRIVERS tab from within the SCSI ADAPTERS group.
In the DRIVERS window, select “ADD…”
3. In the INSTALL DRIVER window, select “HAVE DISK...”.
4. In the INSTALL FROM DISK window that is displayed, enter the Initio
Driver path name:
Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into drive A:
Type: A:\WINNT, select “OK”
5. Select INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW Host Adapter, select “OK” to
install the INI910U.SYS driver onto your hard disk drive.
6. In the WINDOWS NT SETUP window that is displayed, enter the Initio
Driver path name to continue:
Type: A:\WINNT, select “CONTINUE”
7. This completes updating the Host Adapter Driver. Follow the on-screen
directions to restart you computer and activate the new driver.
8. It is highly recommended that you verify your Windows NT device driver
has been properly installed by selecting MY COMPUTER from the
desktop. Then select CONTROL PANEL:
Select SCSI ADAPTERS from within the CONTROL PANEL group,
from within the SCSI ADAPTERS listing, and select PROPERTIES.
If “This device is working properly” is displayed in the Device Status
box, the driver has been correctly installed.
Installing a new Windows NT system and Initio driver without
floppy disks
For computer systems installing or upgrading to Windows NT from a floppyless
setup such as a share on your network, these instructions will guide you
through the INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter driver installation. The
Windows-NT driver will be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW
DRIVER DISK 1. It is important that the hardware has been installed
successfully before proceeding further.
1. Execute a floppyless setup as described by the Windows NT System
Administrator’s Guide.
2. When SETUP begins to load, the screen will turn from black to blue with
CONFIGURATION…” at the top.
Press the F6 key to interrupt this process. You will have two seconds
in which to press this key.
Follow the instructions on the screen until you are asked to specify a
SCSI driver.
3. Insert the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into your local
floppy disk drive, and press <ENTER>.
Select: Initio INI-9100U/9100UW SCSI Host Adapter
4. The Initio host adapter driver is now installed
5. The on-screen instructions will continue for a complete installation of
Windows-NT. Refer to your Windows NT System Administrator’s Guide
for completion of the operating system installation procedure.
Novell NetWare
This Chapter Is About
· Installing the Initio driver in A new NetWare
· Installing the driver in an existing NetWare system
· Device driver command line options
Novell NetWare Driver Installation
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW will support Novell NetWare 386 V4.XX or
V3.1X with the addition of a software driver. The installation procedure
described here requires some experience in Novell system setup and
administration. The device driver is transferred from the INITIO INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 to the hard drive where it is automatically
initialized during the system boot routine. The device drivers listed can support
NetWare versions described after the Initio file name:
Initio Novell adapter driver for
\NETWARE\V31X\ASPITRAN.DSK ASPI transport layer driver for
Initio Novell adapter driver for
V4.X or later
Device driver installation file
ASPI transport layer driver for
V4.X or later
HAM device driver
HAM device driver installation file
Reference Documentation:
Novell NetWare installation and user’s guide
The systems setup and installation guide
The documentation for system peripherals
Initio documentation for the SCSI host adapter
System Requirement:
Installed primary floppy diskette drive.
Installed MS-DOS/ASPI driver on resident hard drive.
Installed and configured CD-ROM drive (driver provided by Corel).
The drivers developed by Initio for NetWare will be installed on the disk drive
used for NetWare system initialization. It is strongly recommended that the
selected procedure be read and understood before continuing with the system
configuration or change. Please read the instructions carefully.
New NetWare 4.xx installation
Drivers for the Initio host adapter may be found on the INITIO INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1. In most cases you will load the drivers
during a new installation of NetWare from CD-ROM. The driver is loaded
during the NetWare Server Installation procedure. The NetWare installation
program will prompt you for the required parameters as the installation
procedure progresses. It is highly recommended that you have a copy of the
Novell Netware Installation and Upgrade Manual for reference.
1. At the MS-DOS prompt for CD-ROM installation, change directories
to where the installation files are located.
e.g., d:\netware4.0\english\ <ENTER>
2. Type INSTALL <ENTER> to initialize the installation routine.
screen similar to the following will be displayed (see figure 8-1).
figure 8-1 Novell 4.x Installation
4. Select Install new NetWare v4.x from the window by using the UP or
DOWN ARROW key to move the highlight to the option you want,
press <ENTER>.
5. Follow the instructions in the NetWare User’s Manual for partitioning
the hard drives and naming the system.
6. Follow the directions on screen until you come to a window titled:
Load Disk Driver.
Press the <Ins> key to insert a new device driver.
Press the <F3> key to specify a different source drive/directory
(figure 8-2).
figure 8-2 Specify Initio Driver Path
7. In the new window that is displayed enter the Initio Driver path name:
Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into drive
Type: A:\netware\v4x
Press <ENTER>
8. In the window “Select a New Disk Driver to Install:” a list of available
Initio drivers for NetWare and their version numbers will be displayed.
Select ini910U.DSK by using the UP or DOWN ARROW key to
move the highlight, press <ENTER>.
System will ask for confirmation to load new driver, press
Press <ENTER> to continue
figure 8-3 Select the Initio Driver
9. Once you have selected the driver, the Loaded Drivers Window below
the list of Available Drivers will be updated with the Initio driver
name you have selected. To continue with installation press
10. This completes loading the Host Adapter Driver, Follow the on-screen
directions to complete the Novell NetWare installation.
Adding the Initio driver to an existing NetWare system
1. To begin the installation you will need to change the directory to the
location of the server and initialize the network server, e.g.,
2. At the NetWare prompt, Type LOAD INSTALL <ENTER>.
screen similar to the following will be displayed (see figure 8-4).
figure 8-4 Novell Installation Screen
3. Select Maintenance/Selective Install from the window by
highlighting it using the UP or DOWN ARROW keys, press
Select Disk Driver Options (Configure/Load/Unload Disk
Drivers) from the window by highlighting it using the UP or
DOWN ARROW keys, press <ENTER>
4. Follow the directions on screen until you come to a window titled
Select A Disk Driver.
Press the <Ins> key to insert a new driver.
Press the <F3> key to specify a different source drive/directory.
5. In the new window that is displayed enter the Initio Driver path name:
Insert INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into drive
Type: A:\netware\v4x
Press <ENTER>
6. In the window Select A New Disk Driver To Install: a list of available
Initio drivers for NetWare and the version number will be displayed.
Select ini910U.DSK, press <ENTER>
Press <ENTER> to confirm, then press <ENTER> to continue
7. Once you have selected the driver, the Loaded Drivers window below
the list of Available Drivers will be updated with the driver name you
To complete the driver loading press <ENTER>
8. This completes loading the Host Adapter Driver, follow the directions
on screen to complete the NetWare installation.
Device driver command line options
The Initio device drivers support command line switches to optimize driver
performance. Device drivers normally, once installed, require no further
information to work effectively; however, in certain situations some driver
optimization may be advantageous to system performance.
NetWare offers two means of entering command line switches. One method is
for session usage and needs to be entered each time the system is rebooted.
:Load (Pathname) ini910u [Driver Config Option]
The second method listed is for permanent installation. In startup.ncf you can
include the following statement.
Load (Pathname) ini910u [Driver Config Option]
Driver Config Options:
Verbose Mode provides detail information about driver on system
command line when driver is initialized.
Non Verbose Mode (default)
Driver assumes that all targets have more than one LUN
Driver assumes that all targets only have LUN 0 (default)
/T:xxxx Target enable mask WORD (Default scan all targets)
Scan device only on PCI BUS #b, PCI DEVICE #dd
Scan all the devices on PCI BUS #b (from 0 to 7)
Specifies maximum number of tag commands per target (default
No tag
Read after write, hardware verify
Not verified (default)
Support removable media (default)
Will not support removable media
Enable support for fixed disk drive (default)
Disable support for fixed disk drive
This Chapter Is About
· Installing the Initio driver in a new OS/2
· Adding the Initio driver to an existing OS/2 system
· Device driver command line options
IBM OS/2 Driver Installation
The Initio INI-9100U/9100UW OS/2 driver will support OS/2, 3.0 & 4.0. The
device driver for OS/2 is copied from the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW
DRIVER DISK 1 to your hard drive where it is initialized during boot-up.
The installation of Initio device drivers to support OS/2 include the following
software files and may be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER
\OS2\INI910U. ADD INI-9100U/9100UW SCSI Host Adapter OS/2
Script file for installing INI910U.ADD
Reference Documentation:
OS/2 installation and user’s guide
The systems setup and installation guide
The documentation for system peripherals
Initio documentation for the SCSI host adapter
The INI-9100U/9100UW driver developed for OS/2 will be installed on the
disk drive used for system initialization. The driver is loaded during the system
boot routine and will remain resident on the drive. Installation of the drivers
can be accomplished by following one of the procedures listed:
New OS/2 Installation
Adding INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter to existing OS/2
The steps used to install the Initio drivers have different system requirements
that may affect basic operation if not installed properly. It is strongly suggested
that the selected procedure be read and understood before proceeding. Please
read all instructions carefully.
New OS/2 installation:
These instructions will guide you through the Initio OS/2 device driver and
OS/2 installation at the same time. The program can be installed from floppy
diskettes or from CD-ROM. The OS/2 driver for the INI-9100U/9100UW will
1. It is important that the INI-9100U/9100UW hardware has been installed
successfully before proceeding further.
1. Make a duplicate copy of OS/2 Diskette 1 using a blank diskette and
label it as “OS/2 Diskette 1 for INI-9100U/9100UW”.
2. Copy the INI910U.ADD file from the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW
DRIVER DISK 1 (OS/2 subdirectory) to the root directory on the
“OS/2 diskette 1 for INI-9100U/9100UW”.
3. Using an appropriate text editor modify the CONFIG.SYS on the OS/2
Diskette 1 for INI-9100U/9100UW to include the new Initio driver
(see figure 9-1).
BASEDEV=INI910U.ADD and save the file.
figure 9-1 Edit CONFIG.SYS file
4. Insert the Installation Diskette into drive A: and turn on your
computer. This will begin the OS/2 installation and establish an OS/2
bootable hard drive.
5. When prompted, insert the “OS/2 Diskette 1 for INI-9100U/9100UW.”
Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
6. You have completed the Initio device driver installation for OS/2.
Follow the on-screen instructions and OS/2 manual for a complete
description of OS/2 installation.
Adding the Initio driver to an existing OS/2 system
For computer systems using other SCSI host adapters or an IDE device to
provide the system boot routines, these instructions will guide you through INI-
9100U/9100UW host adapter driver installation. The OS/2 driver will be found
on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1. It is important that the
SCSI bus hardware and OS/2 are installed correctly before proceeding further.
1. Once an OS/2 session is established, insert INITIO INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into your floppy drive.
2. By using your installed mouse, or by using the appropriate key strokes,
figure 9-2 Add OS/2 Device Driver
3. Select CHANGE source directory to read as the root directory.
4. Select OS2 and select SET.
6. Select CHANGE destination directory to any existing OS/2 directory
or accept the default.
7. Select SET.
figure 9-3 Select OS/2 Driver
9. Select INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW Device Driver for OS/2 select
10. Select EXIT to install the OS/2 device driver. Exit and reboot the
system to activate the device driver.
Device driver command line options
The Initio device drivers support command line switches to optimize driver
performance. Device drivers normally require no further information to work
effectively. However, in certain situations some driver optimization may be
advantageous to system performance. From inside the CONFIG.SYS file use
the following format to edit the file.
The standard format for command line switches is:
BASEDEV = INI910U.ADD [Driver Config Option]
Driver Config Options:
Verbose Mode provides detail information about driver on
system command line when driver is initialized.
Non Verbose Mode (default)
Driver assumes that all targets have more than one LUN
Driver assumes that all targets only have LUN 0 (default)
Target enable mask WORD (Default scan all targets) in hex
Scan device only on PCI BUS #b, DEVICE #dd (in decimal
Scan all the devices on PCI BUS #b (from 0 to 7)
Assigns adapter number based on BIOS address
Enable direct access storage device (DASD) support
Disable DASD manager support
Enable SCSI manager support
Disable SCSI manager support
Specifies maximum number of tag commands per target
No tag
This Chapter Is About
· Setting interrupts
· Installing the Initio driver in a new SCO UNIX
· Adding the Initio driver to an existing SCO UNIX
· Changing to INI-9100U/9100UW as the bootable
host adapter
SCO UNIX Driver Installation
The Initio SCO UNIX device driver will support SCO UNIX System V/386
Release 3.2v4.0 or later, SCO Open Desktop v2.0, v3.0 or later, and SCO Open
Server Release 3.0 and 5.0. The device driver is transferred from the floppy
diskette to the hard drive where it’s loaded during system initialization.
The installation of Initio device drivers to support SCO UNIX include the
following software files and may be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW
Device driver object file
Device driver definition file
Reference Documentation:
SCO UNIX documentation, installation and user’s guide
The systems setup and installation guide
The documentation for system peripherals
Initio documentation for the SCSI host adapter
The SCO UNIX drivers developed by Initio will be installed on the disk drive
used for system initialization. It is strongly suggested that the selected
procedure be read and understood before continuing with the system
configuration or change. Please read the instructions carefully.
Updating interrupts and hardware settings
The following interrupt configuration settings are suggested as the most
effective means of providing a controller interrupt to the host adapter:
Host Adapter interrupt levels available are 9,11, 15, (IRQ 11 is
Avoid using interrupt 10 as the controller interrupt.
Set first SCSI disk ID to 0 (first time install requirement)
Set tape target ID to 2. (If tape is in use)
Set CD-ROM target ID to 5. (If CD-ROM is in use)
Please Refer to your system documentation to set the interrupt levels and your
peripheral documentation for help in setting SCSI IDs.
Installing the Initio driver in a new SCO UNIX system
1. Insert the SCO UNIX N1 boot disk into the floppy drive and turn on
the system. A screen similar to the following will be displayed (see
figure 10-1):
figure 10-1 SCO UNIX system boot screen
2. Type: link < ENTER >. The system will respond by displaying the
following screen (see figure 10-2):
figure 10-2 Linking a package in SCO UNIX
3. Type: i91u < ENTER >. The system at this point will boot into SCO
UNIX. Please refer to the SCO UNIX documentation for additional
information. When prompted by the following screen (see figure 10-
3), insert the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 2 diskette
into your floppy drive; Press < ENTER >
figure 10-3 Insert Initio INI-9100U/9100UW Driver Disk 2
4. Please refer to the SCO UNIX documentation for additional
information. You have completed the installation of the SCO UNIX
Adding the Initio driver to an existing SCO UNIX system
1. Insert the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 2 diskette
into your floppy drive.
2. Type: “installpkg” under the command prompt, <ENTER>
3. The following system screen will be displayed (figure 10-5):
figure 10-5 SCO UNIX install package
Type: i91u < ENTER >
4. Change the directory and rebuild the UNIX kernel:
cd /etc/conf/cf.d
. /link_unix
5. You have completed the link procedure for the Initio device driver.
Exit and reboot the system.
6. For further information regarding removing the Initio driver for SCO
Unix, please refer to Appendix A, Troubleshooting in this User’s
Changing to the INI-9100U/9100UW as the bootable host
DISK 2 diskette into floppy drive.
2. Type: “installpkg” under command prompt and press <ENTER>, A
system screen similar to that of figure 10-5 will be shown
Type: i91u <ENTER>
3. Change the mscsi file:
cd /etc/conf/cf.d < ENTER >
cp mscsi mscsi.bak < ENTER >
vi mscsi < ENTER >
In the example below, The XXXX would be replaced with i91u.
5. Rebuild the UNIX kernel:
. /link_unix < ENTER >
6. You have completed the link procedure for the Initio device driver.
Exit and reboot the system.
7. For further information regarding removing the Initio driver for SCO
Unix, please refer to Appendix A, Troubleshooting in this User’s
SCO UnixWare
This Chapter Is About
· Installing the Initio driver in a new UnixWare
· Adding the Initio driver to an existing UnixWare
· Using multiple host adapters in UnixWare
· Removing the Initio driver from a UnixWare
SCO UnixWare Driver Installation
The Initio SCO UnixWare device driver will support UnixWare 2.x. The
device driver is transferred from the floppy diskette to the hard drive where it is
loaded during system initialization.
The installation of Initio device drivers to support SCO UnixWare may be
found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 2.
Reference Documentation:
SCO UnixWare Installation Handbook.
SCO UnixWare System Owner Handbook
The SCO UnixWare drivers developed by Initio will be installed on the disk
drive used for system initialization. It is strongly suggested that the selected
procedure be read and understood before continuing with the system
configuration or change. Please read the instructions carefully.
Updating interrupts and hardware settings
The following interrupt configuration settings are suggested as the most
effective means of providing a controller interrupt to the host adapter:
Host adapter interrupt level must be set to IRQ 10 for proper installation of
the Initio driver.
Please refer to your system documentation to set the interrupt levels and your
peripheral documentation for help in setting SCSI IDs.
Installing the Initio driver in a new UnixWare system
Drivers for the Initio host adapter may be found on the INITIO INI-
9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 2. In most cases you will load the drivers
during a new installation of UnixWare from CD-ROM. The driver is loaded
during the early stages of the installation procedure. The UnixWare
installation program will prompt you for the required parameters as the
installation procedure progresses. It is highly recommended that you have a
copy of the SCO UnixWare Installation Handbook and SCO UnixWare System
Owner Handbook for reference.
floppy drive and turn on the computer. A screen similar to the following
will be displayed (see figure 11-1).
figure 11-1UnixWare Installation
figure 11-2), insert the “INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 2”
into drive A: press <Enter>.
figure 11-2 Install Host Bus Adapter Drivers
3. When prompted to INSTALL ANOTHER HBA DISKETTE (see figure
11-3), press <ENTER> to continue.
figure 11-3 Install another HBA Diskette
4. Follow the directions on screen until you come to a window titled: Loading
Initio INI-9100U/9100UW Host Adapter.
5. This completes loading the host adapter driver. Follow the on-screen
directions to complete the SCO UnixWare installation. For further
information regarding UnixWare installation, refer to the SCO UnixWare
Installation Handbook.
Adding the Initio driver to an existing UnixWare system
1. Once a UnixWare session is established and a command prompt is ready,
type (recall that UnixWare is case sensitive):
cp /stand/unix /stand/unix.org , press <ENTER>
pkgadd -d diskette1 , press <ENTER>
2. Select i910u ihv hba from the list of available host drivers, press
3. If the INI-9100U/9100UW is intended to be the bootable host adapter, the
next step to updating the driver will require a revision to the I910u file.
These instructions will guide you through changing the current software
settings for UnixWare to establish the INI-9100U/9100UW as the host
adapter for your boot device:
At the system command prompt, type
cd /etc/conf/sdevice.d
Use “vi” or another editor to modify the file I910u by adding a
locate the line $version2
edit the file by adding the line $static immediately
following $version2.
Rebuild the UnixWare kernel by completing the following steps at the
command prompt :
/etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B <ENTER>
cp /etc/conf/cf.d/unix /stand/unix <ENTER>
cd / <ENTER>
shutdown -g0 ( 0 is Zero ) <ENTER>
4. If the INI-9100U/9100UW is NOT intended to be the bootable host
adapter, these instructions will guide you through changing the current
software settings for UnixWare to establish the INI-9100U/9100UW as a
non-bootable host adapter for your device:
At the system command prompt, type
/etc/conf/bin/idbuild -M i910u <ENTER>
cd / <ENTER>
shutdown -g0 ( 0 is Zero ) <ENTER>
5. Exit the UnixWare program and reboot your system to initialize the new
device driver to control INI-9100U/9100UW.
Using multiple Host Adapters
UnixWare is capable of supporting up to eight SCSI busses. If you choose to
use multiple host adapters in your system, verify that each host adapter shared
interrupt level is set to IRQ10. Please refer to your system documentation to
set the interrupt levels.
Space for each INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter in the system is configured
and allocated by a separate line in the file /ETC/CONF/SDEVICE.D/I910U.
1. Verify that Y is selected in the second field at the line starting at I910u in
the file /ETC/CONF/SDEVICE.D/I910U for each INI-9100U/9100UW in
the system.
UnixWare will automatically rebuild the kernel when an additional INI-
9100U/9100UW is detected.
Removing the Initio driver from a UnixWare system
1. Once a UnixWare session is established and a command prompt is ready,
type (recall that UnixWare is case sensitive):
Type: /etc/conf/bin/idinstall -d i910u <ENTER> to delete the
following files:
2. Then rebuild the UnixWare kernel by executing the following commands
at the system prompt:
/etc/conf/bin/idbiuld -B -K <ENTER>
/cp /etc/conf/cf.d/unix /stand/unix <ENTER>
cd/ <ENTER>
shutdown -g0 (where 0 is Zero) <ENTER>
This Chapter Is About
· Troubleshooting
· DOS Space > 1 Gigabyte
· Warranty
A: Troubleshooting
In the following section you will find commonly asked questions and answers
to problems encountered during the installation of the INI-9100U/9100UW.
Question: Why isn’t the INI-9100U/9100UW banner “!!! Press <CRTL><I>
for SmartSCSI Setup Utility !!!” displayed when I power up the host system?
Answer: Verify that all cabling to the host adapter is installed
correctly, refer to the hardware installation section of this manual.
Question: On boot-up the message “SCSI BIOS Installed” is displayed, but my
system hangs.
Answer: Verify that the CMOS interrupt structure is set to INTA and
the CMOS IRQ level matches the jumper settings on the motherboard.
Refer to your PC user manual.
Question: On boot-up, not all the peripherals are scanned and recognized.
Answer: Verify that each of the SCSI devices on the bus has its own
distinct SCSI ID number and all peripherals are receiving power.
Refer to your peripheral manual for information regarding changing
Verify the SCSI Termination is set correctly. Make sure the last
peripheral on the SCSI bus has termination. See the peripheral manual
for proper termination information.
After the above steps are executed, if you are still not recognizing all
attached peripherals, configure the host adapter to operate in an
Asynchronous Transfer mode by changing its setting under the SCSI
Devices Setup section of the SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility. This feature
is discussed thoroughly in the chapter entitled Host Adapter Setup.
Question: On boot-up, the message “Missing Operating System” is displayed.
The boot drive is greater than 1 gigabyte.
Answer: Verify the “DOS SPACE> 1 GB” is enabled in the INI-
9100U/9100UW SmartSCSIÔ Setup Utility.
Question: Under SCO UnixWare, the system displays a panic message or
crashes during bootup:
Answer: Reboot the system and verify that the INI-9100U/9100UW is
using IRQ10. Please Refer to your system documentation to set the
interrupt levels and your peripheral documentation for help in setting
In order to boot from the old UnixWare kernel, reboot the system and
execute the following steps:
Begin an interactive boot session by pressing the
At the system [boot]# prompt, type KERNEL=unix.org
Type go <ENTER>.
Consult the SCO UnixWare Installation Handbook
“Troubleshooting” section to help isolate the problem. If it
becomes necessary to remove the Initio device driver, please
consult the “Removing the Initio Driver from a SCO
UnixWare System” section of this document.
B: DOS Space > 1GB
The default disk head mapping for Initio SCSI host adapter is 64 heads and 32
sectors. Under this configuration, the MS-DOS limit is 1024 cylinders per
drive. This translates to a maximum accessible capacity of 1 GBytes per drive.
By changing the head mapping to 255 heads and 63 sectors, the "DOS Space >
1GB" option can support disk capacities up to 8 GBytes under MS-DOS.
Warning: If you have already installed the operating system on your hard
drives, changing the head mapping will corrupt your files and cause other
unexpected problems. Before changing any "DOS Space > 1GB" option setting,
please back up your disk drives. Then you should run the FDISK utility to
delete all the partitions on your selected disk drive. At this point you can switch
the setting, reinstall the operating system, and restore your backed up files.
All device drivers for the INI-9100U/9100UW Host Adapter will support
different head mappings based on the setting of "DOS Space > 1GB" option.
MS-DOS, OS/2 & Windows NT
Under MS-DOS, OS/2 & Windows NT, we recommend you enable "DOS
Space > 1GB" option if your SCSI hard disk has more than 1 GByte capacity.
NetWare 386
NetWare does not have a 1 GByte barrier. Therefore, the "DOS Space > 1GB"
option is not required to be enabled; however, you must verify the boot partition
is located below 19100UW4 cylinders. If the size of your boot partition is
greater than 1 GByte or the location of the boot partition is beyond 1 GByte,
you should enable the "DOS Space > 1GB" option.
SCO UNIX does not have a 1 GByte barrier. Therefore, the "DOS Space >
1GB" option is not required to be enabled; however, you must make sure the
root file system is located below 19100UW4 cylinders in order to perform the
kernel boot routines. If the size of the root file system is greater than 1 GByte or
the location of root file system is beyond 1 GByte, you should enable the "DOS
Space > 1GB" option.
SCO UNIX can not support different head mappings for each disk drive under
the same host adapter. The head mapping will be based on the setting
represented by target ID 0.
Drives with Multiple Operating Systems.
It is mandatory that the same head mapping be used across multiple operating
systems on one drive. However you can use different head mappings on
different drives with the exception of SCO UNIX. It is recommended that you
enable "DOS Space > 1GB" option if the capacity of your SCSI hard disk has
more than 1 GByte.
This Chapter Is About
· Common terms and definitions
Definitions of Terms
An I/O process that is presently in execution (not queued).
active I/O
This term indicates an 8-bit construct
An initial connection or reconnection. A connection can only
occur between one initiator and one target.
The I/O process that is presently connected on the SCSI bus.
current I/O
The action that occurs when an SCSI device releases control
of the SCSI bus, allowing it to go to the BUS FREE phase
A device which connects between a host system and the SCSI
bus. The device usually performs the lower layers of the SCSI
protocol and normally operates in the initiator role. This
function may be integrated into the host system.
host adapter
A SCSI device that requests an I/O process to be performed by
another SCSI device (a target).
An I/O process consists of one initial connection and zero or
more reconnections, all pertaining to a single command or a
I/O process
group of linked commands.
More specifically, the
connection(s) pertain to a nexus in which zero or more
command descriptor blocks are transferred. An I/O process
begins with the establishment of a nexus. An I/O process
normally ends with the BUS FREE phase following successful
RECOVERY message. An I/O process also ends with the
BUS FREE phase following an ABORT, ABORT TAG, BUS
DEVICE RESET, CLEAR QUEUE message, or a hard
RESET condition, or an unexpected disconnect occurs.
A physical or virtual peripheral device addressable through a
logical unit
An encoded three-bit identifier for the logical unit.
logical unit
A physical peripheral device that can be attached to an SCSI
device, which connects to the SCSI bus. The peripheral
device and the SCSI device (peripheral controller) may be
physically packaged together. Often there is a one-to-one
mapping between peripheral devices and logical units, but this
is not required. Examples of peripheral devices are: magnetic
disks, printers, optical disks, and magnetic tapes.
The value associated with an I/O process that uniquely
identifies it from other queued I/O processes in the logical
unit for the same initiator.
queue tag
A reconnection is the result of a reconnect and it exists from
the assertion of the BSY signal in a SELECTION or
RESELECTION phase until the next BUS FREE phase
The hex representation of the unique address (0-15) assigned
to an SCSI device. This address would normally be assigned
and set in the SCSI device during system installation.
SCSI address
The bit-significant representation of the SCSI address
referring to one of the signal lines dB(7-0).
A host adapter or a target controller that can be attached to
the SCSI bus.
SCSI device
An SCSI device that performs an operation requested by an
Product Warranty
Initio Corporation warrants to the original purchaser that this product shall be free from defects in
material and workmanship for a period of 5 years from the date of purchase. Should this product, in the
judgment of Initio Corporation, prove to be defective, Initio Corporation will at its option repair or
replace the product once it has been returned to Initio Corporation free of charge. Any replaced parts or
products become the property of Initio Corporation. You may obtain warranty service by first getting
authorization from Initio Corporation then returning this product with proof of delivery date, shipping
charges prepaid, to Initio Corporation. This warranty does not apply to the software component of the
product nor to any product which has been subjected to misuse, accident, abuse or use in a manner
inconsistent with normal host adapter operations. The original purchaser must be registered with Initio
Corporation (by mailing the Product Registration Card) to qualify for warranty coverage. This remedy
is your exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty.
FCC Compliance Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operations.
Class B Equipment
Information to User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a CLASS B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions contained in this
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that of the receiver.
Consult the dealer or a experienced audio television technician.
Note: Connecting this device to peripheral devices that do not comply with CLASS B requirements or
using an unshielded peripheral data cable could also result in harmful interference to radio or television
The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
To ensure the use of this product does not contribute to interference, it is necessary to use shielded I/O
Reprinted from the Code of Federal Regulations #47, part 15.193, 1993. Washington DC: Office of the
Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Declaration of the Manufacturer/Importer
We hereby certify that the INI-9100UW and INI-9100U PCI-SCSI Bus Master Host Adapter, in
compliance with the requirements of BMPT Vfg 243/1991, is RFI suppressed. The normal operation of
some equipment (e.g., signal generators) may be subject to specific restrictions. Please observe the
notices in the user’s manual.
The marketing and sale of the equipment was reported to the Federal Office for Telecommunication
Permits (BZT). The right to retest this equipment to verify compliance with the regulation was given to
the ZZF.
EN 55 9100UW2 Declaration of Conformance
This is to certify that Initio INI-9100UW and INI-9100U PCI-SCSI Bus Master Host Adapter is
shielded against the generation of radio interference in accordance with the application of Council
Directive 89/336/EEC, Article 4a. Conformity is declared by the application of EN 55 9100UW2:1987
Class B (CISPR 22:1985/BS 6527:1988).
1) IEC 801-2 :1984(1000-4-2:1995);
2) IEC 801-3 :1984(1000-4-3:1995);
3) IEC 801-4 :1988(1000-4-4:1995).
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